ExportToFileServerFromCollection method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies to

Document (file) operations


Exports a file from a specified IDO collection and saves it to a file server.


ExportToFileServerFromCollection( string formDefName, string collectionid, string propertyFrom, string serverTo, string fileSpec, int rowIndex, out string errorMessage )


  • formDefName is the internal name (not caption) of the form to which the file is being exported.
  • collectionid is name of the IDO collection into which the file is to be exported.
  • propertyTo is the name of the property to which the file is to be exported.
  • serverTo is the file server to which the requested file is to be exported.
  • fileSpec is the name of the requested file.
  • rowIndex the number of the record to which the file is to be exported.
  • errorMessage is the error message to be returned if the export is not successful.


To export the file from an IDO collection's BLOB property, include this argument after the serverFrom argument:

string logicalFolderName