NOMOD keyword
Applies to
Event handlers of the type Set Values
The NOMOD keyword prevents the values of output targets from being marked as modified.
The Windows client event handler response type of Set Values supports the output of values to specified variables, components, and/or properties. In the case of output to components and properties, the targets by default are marked as modified when the value changes. This ensures that validations are re-executed as the user tabs through (with immediate validation set), navigates through, or saves the collection associated with the components or properties being updated.
The purpose of this keyword, then, is to provide an option to not have the components or properties marked as modified as they are updated by the event handler, so that revalidation does not happen. This is required where the goal is to set some values into components and/or properties without requiring validation.
You can invoke this keyword by selecting the Do not mark output targets modified? option in the Edit Set Values dialog box.