Creating and using a site-specific logo image
For images stored in the forms database, a site-specific override image can be provided by using this naming convention when adding the override image in Design Mode.
The naming convention is to add an underscore character ( _ ) and then the Site name before the extension on the image filename.
For instance, you can override the default company logo image named "company-logo.jpg" for a site named "DALS" by adding an image for that site named "company-logo_DALS.jpg". We recommend that these override images be added at Site scope, so that they are seen by everyone using the site. By using this technique, you can add site-specific images without changing form definitions to look for the site-specific images. This is especially helpful in use cases like reports where the same report definition is used across multiple sites, but a site-specific image (like a company site logo) is needed.