Using the REST API Wizard

Note: Before you can use the REST API Wizard, you must first be authorized to use Runtime Builder forms. Also, if the REST API Wizard is not already designated as a Runtime Builder form, you must designate it as such before you can use it to create or modify the IDO with Swagger documentation.
  1. Open the REST API Wizard form.
  2. On the first page of the wizard, provide these specifications:
    IDO Name
    From the drop-down list, select the IDO for which the REST API and the Swagger document are to be created.
    Document Description
    Optionally, provide a description that can be used to help understand the purpose of the Swagger document.
    From the drop-down list, select the type of action to be performed by the API.
    Operation ID
    Provide a name that can be used as a unique identifier for the API. This ID is used to access the API from the IDO Swagger document and/or in the ION API.

    This ID typically includes part of the IDO name and the operation being performed by the API (for example: GetLanguageIDPropertyInfo).

    Operation Description
    Optionally, provide a description for the API itself. This is typically a summary of what the API does or indicates its purpose.
  3. Click Next.
    What happens next depends on the type of action you are using for your API. For details of what happens for each type of action, see one of these topics:
    When you click Next for the last time, the wizard displays a summary of both the name of the IDO Swagger document and the base URL and filename of the REST API to be created. The generated path is comprised of the Swagger Collection documentation URL, the IDO Swagger document name, and the Operation ID.
  4. Click Finish.
The REST API Wizard saves the information to create the REST API endpoint and the associated Swagger documentation. You can now use the Object External APIs form to view information about all the API endpoints created in your system and to see the data for each API. You can also use the Object External API Endpoints form to further define your API endpoint.