Preparing Data Media for Audit Submission

According to the principles to ensure the due maintenance and preservation of books, records and documents in electronic form (GoBD, formerly GDPdU), the German Ministry of Finance (BMF) is empowered to audit taxpayers' accounting records using one of these methods: Direct Access (Z1), Indirect Access (Z2), or Data Media Transfer (Z3). The first two methods (Z1 and Z2) can be provided in SyteLine by setting group authorizations to forms for users in the predefined Auditor group.

The GoBD Data Media Transfer Report form is provided in the Germany Localization to comply with the Z3 access requirements. Using the options on this form, you can provide the BMF with the records that are required to evaluate the data. The relevant tax data is formatted according to the interface specification for the IDEA Data Analysis software published by CaseWare Analytics. Report data files in CSV format are generated along with a metadata index file in XML format. The index file describes the structure of each data file.

Follow these steps to set up the media for submission to auditors:

Note: Before beginning, ensure that the file gdpdu-01-08-2002.dtd has been placed in the Logical Folder directory for the report output destination, as defined on the File Server Logical Folders form. This file is made available by CaseWare Analytics.
  1. Open the GoBD Data Media Transfer Report form.
  2. Specify the date range to include, for example, an accounting period or a year. Transactional data is filtered, where possible, for the date range.  Master data records are filtered, where possible, to include only records that reference the associated transaction date range.
  3. Specify the default label to use for media. Usually the label indicates a DVD number.
  4. Select the options for the types of data to include. Some options generate more than one data file.
    Option IDOs Related Forms
    Ledgers SLLedgers, SLCurrencyCodes, SLCurrates, and SLJourHdrs G/L Posted Transactions, Currency Codes, Currency Rates and Journal Entries
    Charts SLCharts, SLLedgers, SLUnitcd1s, SLUnitcd2s, SLUnitcd3s, and SLUnitcd4s Chart of Accounts, Unit Codes (1) - (4)
    Tax Codes SLTaxCodes Tax Codes
    Tax Jurisdictions SLTaxJurs Tax Jurisdictions
    Items SLItems, SLNonInventoryItems, SLItemContentRefs, and SLUMs Items, Non-Inventory Items. Item Content References and Unit of Measure Codes
    A/R Transactions SLArtrans A/R Posted Transactions Detail
    Invoices SLInvHdrs, SLInvItemAlls, SLInvItemSurcharges, SLInvStaxs Invoice Listing
    Customer Orders SLCOs and SLCoitems Customer Orders, Customer Order Lines, Customer Order Blanket Lines and Customer Order Blanket Releases
    Customers SLCustomers Customers
    Project Transactions SLProjTrans, SLProjMatls, SLProjs, and SLProjTasks Projects, Project Tasks, Project Resources and Project Transactions
    A/P Transactions SLAptrxps A/P Posted Transactions Detail
    Vouchers SLVchHdrs, SLVchItemAlls, and SLVchStaxs Voucher Listing
    Purchase Orders SLPos and SLPoItems Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Lines, Purchase Order Blanket Lines and Purchase Order Blanket Releases
    Vendors SLVendors Vendors
    Fixed Asset Transactions SLfaTrans, SLFaclasses, SLFaCosts, SLFaDeprs, SLFaDisps, and SLFamasters Fixed Asset Transfer, Fixed Asset Class Codes, Fixed Asset Costs, Fixed Asset Depreciation, Fixed Asset Disposal and Fixed Assets
    Payroll Transactions SLPrtxps Posted Payroll Transactions Report
    Payroll Tax Types SLPrtaxts Tax Codes Exempt
    Bank Data SLBankAddrs and SLBankHdrs Bank Reconciliations and Bank Addresses
    Employees SLDepts, SLEmployees, SLEmpPrBanks, SLPrbanks, SLPrdecds Departments, Employees, Employee Direct Deposit Bank Accounts, Direct Deposit Banks and Deduction and Earning Codes
  5. Select Preview and click Process to populate the grid based on the date range and the selected options.
  6. Review the collections that are listed in the grid. If necessary - for example, if the files cannot fit on one DVD - supply a different Media Name for some of the files. During the preview, the URL field displays the collection name plus variables for the site and task. These variables are updated with actual values to build the file name during the commit process.
  7. Select Commit and click Process to generate a series of reports that correspond to the records in the grid. The reports are generated through background tasks. The index XML is generated last and is written to the Report Output Folder specified in the Sites/Entities form or the Report Options form.
  8. To determine when a report has completed, check the Background Tasks form.
Note:  All of the report files might not fit on a single media device. The size of the file depends on your system and the period of time that each report covers. You might want to experiment with the time periods you specify and select only one check box at a time, to determine how much space each report will take. After you have an estimate of the disk space that is required, you can run multiple reports together and specify different media labels, for example CD 1 and CD 2. You must manually switch the media device at the proper time.