This topic describes how to use the Users form.
Use this form to manage users. You can use this form to create users, though most of the time you will use IFS to create users.
You can also specify:
- Passwords needed to log on to the application
- Workstation IDs so users bypass the logon dialog box
- Email addresses so notifications can be sent about automated tasks
- Editing permissions that determine whether users can enter edit mode to create or customize forms
- Security authorizations for this user at a form level or a component level
- Groups to which the user belongs and security authorizations for that group
- Additional information about the user that the application needs.
Note: Initially, only the
supplied default system administrator user ID can create or delete other user IDs. Any
user who is added to the System Administration group or designated as a super user can
access the Users form and change the password for any other user. Users can change their
own passwords on the User Information form.