Defining Metadata for JSON Business Context Messages

Use the Form External Message Entities form to add to, or modify, the business context messages that are sent when a certain form is displayed to the user. These messages are consumed by Infor Ming.le to display drillbacks, by Infor Document Management workflows, and by other context-sensitive apps.

Each form sends a basic JSON message with the form's screenID and logical ID. When the message is generated, an event can optionally append additional BOD reference and entity type metadata, based on the current context (selected object) in the form. You can define the metadata that you want to pass for specific forms.

Note: You must understand this information before you use this form:
  • Which types of metadata the selected form includes. You must be aware of the IDOs and properties that are available on the form.
  • Which types of metadata each context-sensitive app can consume.

For more information, see the Infor Ming.le Context Engine Development Guide.

  1. Open the Form External Message Entities form.
  2. Select the Form Name for which you want to define JSON contextual metadata.
  3. Select the entity type for the information you want to pass, for example, InforSalesOrder.
  4. In the Entity Attributes tab, specify this information:
    Specify the attribute, for example, id1.
    Specify the value of the attribute. This can be an actual value but more often it will be an expression to be resolved into a value, or a variable that returns the value of a specified property, optionally in a designated row and collection result set. For example, P(CoNum) provides the current record's customer number.
  5. If the content in the form is related to a BOD, you can pass information from the BOD in the BOD Reference tab. Specify this information:
    Specify the BOD element, for example, noun or documentId.
    Specify the value of the BOD element. For example, when you add an order in the Customer Orders form, a SalesOrder BOD is generated. So if you are defining a context message to be sent from the Customer Orders form, you can include content from the SalesOrder BOD in your context message definition. You could specify the Reference as noun and Value as SalesOrder.

    Then include the elements from that BOD that you want to include in the context message. For example, you could set Reference to documentId and Value to a variable P(CoNum) that will contain the order number for the currently selected row.

  6. Repeat until you have included all of the entities, attributes and values that you want to pass when this form is displayed.
  7. Save your changes to this metadata.
  8. In the Infor Ming.le portal, ensure that the Context Viewer app is enabled for SyteLine.
  9. Close and reopen the form for which you defined the metadata.
    When you close the form, the context is broken and a new context is started. When you reopen the form, a new context message is created with the new values and is sent to Infor Ming.le.