Business events that generate outbound BODs

This table shows the events, which are user actions in SyteLine that generate an outbound BOD from SyteLine:

Verb Noun User action to generate the BOD
Process AccountingBookDefinition Run the Replication Document Manual Request Utility with AccountingBookDefinition selected. This should be done once per site.
Sync AccountingChart Run the Replication Document Manual Request Utility with AccountingChart selected. This should be done once per site, after the Chart of Accounts is set up at the site.
Sync AccountingEntity Run the Replication Document Manual Request Utility with AccountingEntity selected. This should be done once per site, after the tenant ID is set up at the site.
Process AdvanceShipNotice * Ship the order, either manually with the Transfer Order Ship form, or automatically in response to a received Sync Shipment BOD.

* Perform material transactions that remove inventory tied to these types of orders: Project, Job, Customer Order, Purchase Order (with a negative quantity), RMA, Production Order or Transfer Order.

* Run the Multi-Site Quantity Move utility.

Acknowledge BillofMaterials Acknowledge the receipt of a BillofMaterials from an external application.
Sync BillofMaterials Indicate that changes have been made in the application after receipt of a Process BillofMaterials from an external application
Sync BillofResources Perform a cost rollup in:

* Current BOM Cost Roll Up form (current item BillOfResources BOD)

* Single Level Current BOM Cost Roll Up form (current item BillOfResources BOD)

* Roll Current Cost to Standard Cost form (financial standard BillOfResources BOD)

(BOD is not currently active)
Acknowledge BillToPartyMaster Acknowledge the receipt of a BillToPartyMaster from an external application.
Sync BillToPartyMaster Change any information on the Customers form.

Change any information on the Ship Tos form.

Confirm BOD The system could not process a BOD sent from another system because of validation or other errors.
Sync Calendar * Delete a Resource Group.

* Add or update a resource on the Resources form (creates a BOD for each shift line)

* Add or update a Resource Group, or change the elements of a group (creates a BOD for each shift line that is affected)

* Add or update a shift calendar in Scheduling Shifts.

* Update a Shift Exception (creates a BOD for the affected resource with WORKFG (Work) set to Y if the resource is free or N (Down Time) if the resource is busy.

* Update a resource schedule (creates a BOD for the affected resource and resource group, indicating that the resource is busy).

* Add a holiday. This creates a BOD that indicates all resources are busy on that day.

Sync CarrierRoute Select the Physically Shipped check box on the Special tab of the Delivery Orders form.
Sync ChartOfAccounts Create or update an account record in the Chart of Accounts form. Statistical and allocation accounts are not included.
Acknowledge CodeDefinition Acknowledge the receipt of a CodeDefinition from an external application
Sync CodeDefinition * Add or update Billing Terms

* Add an Education Major

* Add a Certification/License

* Add a Commodity Code

* Add an External Expense Type

* Add an Indirect Labor Code

* Add an Inventory Adjustment Reason Code

* Add or update an ISO U/M on the Unit of Measure Codes form

* Add an Item Category

* Add an Obsolete Slow Moving Reason Code

* Add an Opportunity Source

* Add an Opportunity Stage

* Add a Payment Type

* Add a Position

* Add a Price Code

* Add a Product Code

* Add a Project Cost Code

* Add a Province/State

* Add a Shift ID on the Scheduling Shifts form

* Add a Ship Via Code

* Add a Skill

* Add a Tax Code of type Exempt

* Add a Tax Jurisdiction

* Add a Territory

* Add a Training Course

* Add a unit code on the Unit Code 1 - 4 forms

* Add a Work Code

* Add a Work Experience

BODS for some other codes, such as language IDs and cost methods, are automatically generated when the Replication Document Manual Request Utility is run.

Process ConstrainedResource Insert or modify a Shift ID (creates a BOD for associated resources)
Acknowledge ContactMaster Acknowledge the receipt of a ContactMaster from an external application
Sync ContactMaster * Add or change a Contact

* Create a Customer Sales Contact Cross-Reference

Sync Contract * Add or update Customer Order header

* Add or update Customer Order Blanket Line

Sync CreditTransfer * Create a Bank Reconciliations record for a vendor payment, employee payment, or customer payment

* If certain country packs such as Sweden or Poland are enabled, only vendor payments from the AP EFT and Wire Payments form are used to generate a CreditTransfer BOD. Employee or customer payments do not generate this BOD.

Sync CurrencyExchangeRateMaster Add or update a Currency Rate
Acknowledge CustomerPartyMaster Acknowledge the receipt of a CustomerPartyMaster from an external application
Sync CustomerPartyMaster Change any information on the Customers, Prospects, Customer Sales Contact Cross References, or Sales Contact Salesperson Cross-References, or Customer ShipTos form
Sync CustomerReturn * Print the RMA Order Verification Report

* Change the status of an RMA

Sync DebitTransfer Post a direct debit transaction from a customer on the A/R Direct Debit Posting form.
Acknowledge ExpenseReport Acknowledge the receipt of an expense report.
Sync FinancialCalendar * Change any information on the Accounting Periods form

* Run the change Reports To Entity utility

Sync InventoryAdjustment * Perform Quantity Adjustment

* Perform Miscellaneous Receipt or Miscellaneous Issue

* Perform Cycle Count Posting - one BOD is generated for each combination of item, warehouse, and location where the quantity on hand has changed

* Perform Physical Inventory Posting - one BOD is generated for each combination of item, warehouse, and location where the quantity on hand has changed

Sync InventoryCount * Run the Cycle Count Posting utility

* Run the Physical Inventory Posting utility

One InventoryCount BOD is sent for each item/warehouse combination

Sync InventoryHold Change either of these for an Item Stockroom Location record: Location Type or Non-Nettable Flag

(BOD is not currently active.)

Sync Invoice * Print and post an invoice through the Consolidated Invoicing form

* Post an invoice through the Invoice Posting (A/R) form

Note: The Invoice BOD publishes one line for every order line included in the Invoice. When Line Summarization is turned on in Consolidated Invoicing, the summary invoice lines are not published; instead, each customer order line will be published as a line in the Invoice BOD.

Acknowledge ItemMaster Acknowledge the receipt of an item from an external application.
Sync ItemMaster * Create a new item on the Items form

* Make a change to these fields on the Items form: Item, Description, ABC Code, Commodity, Cost Method, Material Status, Reason, Backflush, Last Change, U/M, Unit Cost, S/N Track, Lot Track, Source, Order Minimum, Order Maximum, Alternate Item, Country of Origin

* Add or change an item description on the Multi-Lingual Items form

Sync LCLTradeStatistics * Print EU Sales List Report

* Print SSD Transaction Listing Report

Sync Location * Create a new Warehouse

* Update General Parameters form (creates a Location BOD with the site as the location)

Sync Opportunity * Create or update a record on the Opportunities, Customer Orders, or Opportunity Tasks form

* Delete an Opportunity

Sync PayableTracker * Post a voucher or an Adjustment through the A/P Voucher Posting form

* Post a payment from any of these forms: A/P Check Printing/Posting, A/P Draft Printing/Posting, A/P EFT Posting, A/P Wire Posting

Sync PayableTransaction * Post a voucher through the A/P Voucher Posting form

* Post a payment from any of these forms: A/P Check Printing/Posting, A/P Draft Printing/Posting, A/P EFT Posting, A/P Wire Posting

* Set or release a Hold status on a voucher

Acknowledge PayFromPartyMaster Acknowledge the receipt of a PayFromPartyMaster from an external application
Sync PayFromPartyMaster * Change any information on the Customers form

* Change any information on the Ship Tos form

Sync Person * Add or update information about a salesperson or sales manager on the Salespersons form

* Update information related to a salesperson on the Employees form (for employee sales people) or Vendors form (for outside sales people)

Sync Personnel * Add or update information on these forms: Employee, Employee Skills, Employee Cert/License, Employee Education, Employee Training Courses, Employee Work Experience, or Employee Position
Acknowledge PlanningSchedule Acknowledge the receipt of a Planning Schedule from an external application.
Acknowledge ProductionOrder Acknowledge the receipt of a ProductionOrder from an external application
Sync ProductionOrder * Applied filters on the Background Task generate this BOD for a firm job that is scheduled for the first time. This does not apply to jobs that have just been processed by the TriggerProductionOrderBGSyncSp Background task. You can add subsequent filters to reduce the number of BODs triggered by this task. Without filtering, after every scheduling or planning function a significant number of BODs could be created.

* Delete a job or production schedule release, where the job status is not Firm or the production schedule status is not Planned.

* Change the status of a job or production schedule.

* Change the Qty Released of a job or production schedule when the status is Released.

Notes: Creating a job generates this BOD, but changes to a firm job do not generate this BOD. This BOD must be included in an initial load of ProductionOrder data.

Sync ProductionReceiver * Create or update an unposted job transaction that moves inventory into stock for a job order or a co-product job order

* Delete an Unposted Job Transaction that was to receive inventory.

(BOD is not currently active)

Sync ProjectMaster Create a Project or update the project status on the project header.
Process PulseAlert One or more of these publications is triggered by a system event: CustomerCreditHoldAlert; CustomerInteractionFollowupAlert CustomerOrderCreditHoldAlert; CustomerShipmentAlert; DCShopFloorTransactionErrorAlert; JobMaterialCostAlert; JobOperationHoursAlert; JobOverProductionAlert; JobProjectedLateForCustomerAlert; LateOrderShippingAlert;LeadAssignedAlert; LockedUserAlert; OpportunityDueAlert; OverBudgetAlert; ProjectedLateShipAlert; ProspectInteractionFollowupAlert; ScheduledMaintenanceAddedAlert; ScheduledMaintenanceAlert; TransactionAmountAlert
Note: This BOD is not related to the Replication Document forms.
Sync PurchaseOrder * Print the Purchase Order Report

* Print the Builder Purchase Order Report

* Change the Purchase Order status to Complete

* Delete a Purchase Order

* Print a Change Order Report

Acknowledge Quote Acknowledge the receipt of a Quote from an external application.
Sync Quote Change the Estimate status to Quoted

* Delete an Estimate

Sync ReceivableTracker Create an invoice, payment, credit memo, debit memo or finance charge transaction for a customer with a 'Balance Forward' balance method.
Sync ReceivableTransaction * Generate an invoice for customers with an 'Open Item' balance method. The status is set as Open.

* Generate a debit memo/finance charge for customers with an 'Open Item' balance method. The status is set as Open.

* Make a payment and apply it to an invoice for customers with an 'Open Items' balance method. The status changes to Paid.

* Generate a credit memo and attach it to an invoice for customers with an 'Open Item' balance method. This changes the status to Paid.

(For bullet points 2, 3, and 4: If all or part of the debit memo/finance charge, payment, or credit memo is left unapplied, a second BOD is generated. Similar transactions are grouped and shown under an invoice number '0' with a status of Unapplied Cash.)* Create an invoice, payment, credit memo, debit memo or finance charge transaction for a customer with a 'Balance Forward' balance method. The system maintains one balance under invoice number '0'. Its status is set as follows: for a debit balance, the status is set as Paid; for a credit balance, the status is set as UnappliedCash.

Sync ReceiveDelivery * Perform material transactions that add inventory tied to these types of orders: Project, Job, Customer Order (with a negative quantity), Purchase Order, RMA, Production Order or Transfer Order that cause a material transaction to occur

* Run the Multi-Site Quantity Move utility

When Poland Country Pack is enabled, ReceiveDeliveryPL is sent instead

Sync RemittanceAdvice * Post a payment from any of these forms: A/P Check Printing/Posting, A/P Draft Printing/Posting, A/P EFT Posting, A/P Wire Posting, or Print/Post Payroll Checks
Sync RemitToPartyMaster * Add or update Vendor information

* Update the vendor's address information

* Update Bank Address information

Acknowledge Requisition Acknowledge receipt of a Requisition from an external application
Sync Requisition * Print the requisition on either the Purchase Requisition Report or the PO Requisition Report forms

* Delete a requisition

* Convert a requisition to a purchase order

* Convert additional items on an existing requisition (in this case, another BOD is created, replacing the original BOD)

Acknowledge SalesOrder Acknowledge the receipt of a SalesOrder from an external application
Sync SalesOrder * Print the Customer Order Verification Report

* Delete an order

* Change order header status to Completed

Sync SecurityPermissionMaster Add, delete or change the objects that a group or user can access.
Sync SecurityRoleMaster Add or delete a group authorization, change the group description, or change the permissions associated with the group..
Acknowledge SecurityUserMaster Acknowledge the receipt of a SecurityUserMaster from an external application.
Process SecurityUserMaster Add or change the user status, user description or workstation login, or add/change a group assigned to the user.
Sync ServiceOrder Add or update Service Order or Service Order Operations or Lines.
Sync ShipFromPartyMaster * Add or update Vendor information

* Update the vendor's address information

* Update Bank Address information

Process Shipment * For customer orders or lines that are assigned to the local site and that are assigned to an external controlled warehouse, print the Order Verification Report.

* For transfer orders or lines where the Ship From site is the local site and the Ship From warehouse is an external controlled warehouse, print the Transfer Order Report.

When Poland Country Pack is enabled, ShipmentPL is sent instead

Sync Shipment * Perform material transactions that remove inventory tied to these types of orders: Project, Job, Customer Order, Purchase Order (with a negative quantity), RMA, Production Order or Transfer Order

* Run the Multi-Site Quantity Move utility

Acknowledge ShipmentSchedule Acknowledge the receipt of a ShipmentSchedule from an external application
Acknowledge ShipToPartyMaster Acknowledge the receipt of a ShipToPartyMaster from an external application
Sync ShipToPartyMaster * Change any information on the Customers form, Ship Tos form, or Customer Sales Contact Cross References form
Sync SourceSystemGLMovement * Run the Change Reports To Entity utility

* Run the Copy Balances to Budgets utility

* Modify Chart of Accounts Budget and Plan information

* Run the Rebalance Ledger Period Totals utility

* Run Ledger Posting for Journals

* Run the Mass Journal Posting utility

Sync SourceSystemJournalEntry * Post journal entries to a ledger
Sync SupplierBalance * Change the price on a Purchase Order Line

* Change the status or vendor on a Purchase Order

(BOD is not currently active)

Sync SupplierInvoice * Post voucher
Sync SupplierPartyMaster * Add or update Vendor information

* Update the vendor's address information

* Update Bank Address information

Sync Transfer * Perform a Transfer Order Ship

* Perform a Transfer Order Receive

* Perform a Combined Transfer Order Ship/Receive

Sync WorkCenter Add a Work Center