About payload
An application event that can be suspended carries a payload that represents and allows handlers to access and modify the requested change (insertion, update, or deletion).
Each named property value that forms part of the change is passed into and out of the application event system as a parameter with a name of the Row.Property form, where Property is the name of the IDO property. Modified property values are accompanied by another parameter with a name of the Row.Property.Modified form and a value of 1.
During notify and prompt actions, these parameters are:
- Temporarily converted to event variables, which overrides any value that may have been set in preceding actions or specified on the Event Variable Groups form
- Available for display (and update, for prompts) on the Variables tab of the Inbox form (and for display at the end of an external email prompt)
- Then converted back to parameters for subsequent actions
During other actions, such as Set Values, these parameters can be modified to affect the result of the change when it is applied to the database. This can be done by using this syntax:
- SETPROPVALUES("Property"=expression): If the new value is different than the original framework event parameter received by the event, the PROPERTYMODIFIED(PropertyName) framework event parameter is also set to True automatically.
- SETPARMVALUES(Row.Property=expression, Row.Property.Modified="1"): Note that you should also indicate to the framework that the property is now modified, as shown.