Displaying the Status of a Form
- In the Form Control form, select the Forms tab.
Optionally,in the
Actions group box, select
Check Out. This is
Note: You can select other options in the Actions group box, but be aware that your choice can affect the list of forms that is displayed. For example, if you select Check Out, Form Control looks for it in the master database. If you select Check In, FormControl looks for it in the run-time database.
To determine where Form Control is looking for the form, note that the location is designated by the Database indicator on the Database form name field label.
From the
Database form name field, select the form for
which you want to see the status.
Form Control displays this information:
- Exists in Database
- If the form exists in the target database, this field displays True. Database displays the target database for the action.
- Locked by user
- If the form is checked out, this field displays the user ID of the developer who checked it out. Otherwise, this field is blank.
To see the global objects associated with the form and their
status, select
Display/select objects to be included
with action.
When this check box is selected, Form Control displays this information for each object:
- Inc
- Use this column to select objects for the action to be performed. If you click Select All, Form Control selects only those objects which are available for the action to be performed.
- Obj Type
- This field displays the type of object. The types here correspond to the types displayed on the Global Objects tab.
- Obj Name
- This field displays the name of the object.
- Ref Obj Type
- This field displays the type of the object references this object.
- Ref Obj Name
- This field displays the name of the object that references this object.
- Locked By
- This field displays the name of the developer who has the object checked out. If nobody has it checked out, this field is blank.
- SourceDatabase
- This field displays the first part of the value the object currently has in the designated source database.
- Replacing TargetDatabase Value
- This field displays the first part of the value the object currently has in the designated target database.