Running App Metadata Transport from a command line interface

You can run the App Metadata Transport utility from the command line using AppMetadataTransport.exe.

Command line parameters

These are the parameters associated with the utility:

Parameter Description
-action Perform a certain activity. Switches include:
  • import - Import a single metadata object from an XML configuration file.
  • export - Export a single metadata object to an XML file.
  • massimport - Import all metadata objects within all XML files residing in a specified folder. This option is available only from a command line.
  • massexport - Export all metadata objects to a set of XML files. This option is available only from a command line. All IDOs, property classes, and IDO extension class assemblies from the source configuration are exported to the designated folder, each in a separate file.
Note:  When you execute any of these actions from the command line, the App Metadata Transport utility opens, set up for the designated action.
-sourceConfig Application configuration name
-targetConfig Application configuration name
-sourceXML Source XML file (sourcefilename.xml), or source folder (when using mass import)
-targetXML Target XML file (targetfilename.xml), or target folder (when using mass export)
-commandTimeout The timeout value for each individual command that runs on the database
-help Displays a dialog box of available parameters for this utility


To perform a mass import, use this command:
AppMetadataTransport -action massimport -targetConfig 
 configName -sourceXml "C:\sourceFolder" 

To perform a mass export, use this command:

AppMetadataTransport -action massexport -sourceConfig 
 configName -targetXml "C:\destinationFolder"