FormSync Script
Use this modal form either during interactive synchronization or completion of automated upgrade, when the user needs to resolve a conflict between the new vendor version of a script and the current customized version (User, Group, or Site).
This form launches when you click the Edit option on the synchronization prompt. This form allows the user to see the differences and merge them as appropriate.
When this form opens, the form scripts for the new vendor version of the form and the customized version of the form are displayed:
- The left side of the form contains a read-only version of the new vendor version of the
form script.
The new vendor differences can be merged with the user's customized version.
- The right side of the form contains a read-write version of the user's customized version
(User, Group, or
Site) of the form script.
The user's customized version can be manually modified.
The differences between the scripts are identified with the colors and connecting lines and can be reviewed using the Next Diff (Alt+N) and Previous Diff (Alt+P) buttons. To merge the new vendor differences with the user's customized version, click the merge-right button at the left side of each script difference.
When you click OK or press Alt+O, the new vendor version becomes the user's customized version (User, Group, or Site).