Entering count results
The quantities that you count for a physical count or cycle count must be recorded in Count Entry. You can manually specify quantities or you can import count data from a CSV file.
You cannot specify count quantities in Product Count Entry in Distribution SX.e.
Values are shown in the Qty Expected field only if Show Expected is selected Product Warehouse Description Setup-Count.
If you specify an amount that is less than the Qty Expected, the amount is automatically deducted from customer-owned inventory. Any remaining amount is deducted from distributor-owned inventory.
You can only enter count results for products in the warehouses for which you are allowed. Allowed warehouses are specified on Storeroom Employee records.
When a run is first created, a red exclamation mark icon is displayed on each line in the run. After you specify count information for the product, the line is validated. If the line does not contain errors, a green check mark icon is displayed. If the exclamation mark icon continues to display, correct any errors to validate the line. You can change values on lines that are validated.
After the counts are entered, the run remains open until you finalize and update the count.