Use these instructions to create, print, and ship warehouse transfers to replenishment inventory
in a Storeroom-managed warehouse. You can transfer inventory from
the distributor’s warehouse or another Storeroom-managed
In Distribution SX.e, run the Transfer Entry
Recommended Replenishment Action Report or create the transfer in
Transfer Entry.
If you ran the Transfer Entry
Recommended Replenishment Action Report, accept and merge the
reports to create the transfer in Transfer Entry
Demand Center Entry. Print the transfer using the Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report in
the shipping warehouse to move the transfer to the Picked stage.
You can use the Transfer Entry RRAR Merge Process
Report to automatically accept and print transfers. This
process sends warehouse transfers to the printer that is selected for the
shipping warehouse in Product Warehouse
Description Setup-Storeroom.
You can also print transfers individually in Transfer Entry.
After the products are picked, ship the transfer
in Storeroom or use Transfer
Shipping Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory
Entry in Distribution SX.e.
If the receiving warehouse is set up to
auto-receive, then the transfer is complete.
If the receiving warehouse is not set up to
auto-receive, then manually receive the transfer.
Receiving a warehouse transfer in a Storeroom warehouse.
Note: Warehouse transfers that contain serial- or lot-controlled products cannot
be auto-received. These warehouse transfers must be shipped and received in
separate transactions.