Creating work orders with the KP Entry Recommended Work Orders Report
- Select Kit Production > Entry > KPE Reports > Recommended Work Orders.
- Create a new stored or new one-time report.
- Specify the report and printing information, and then click Next.
- On the Range page, specify the Storeroom-managed warehouse in the beginning and ending Whse range, and then click Next.
Specify this information:
- (R)eport Only or (C)reate Work Orders
Specify R to generate a report of the word orders for review only.
Specify C to create work orders.
- Initials of User
Specify the user’s initials that are attached to the work orders.
This value corresponds to the Created By field in KP Work Order Center Entry.
- Print Usage History?
- Select Yes to include usage history in the report.
- Process Only Specials?
- Select Yes to process prebuilt kit records that are related to sales or transfer special orders. If you set up prebuilt kits that contain sub-assembly kit components as order-as-needed products, work orders are automatically created and tied if demand exists.
- Print “Do Not Reorder” Products?
- Select Yes to include On Hand information about DNR kit products on the report. Recommendations for kit disassembly may be included.
- Click Save.