from the (…) menu to access these grid filtering options:Displays a filter field and filter option for each column. You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the filter row fields. Click the filter icon to the right of a field to select a different filter option. The filters that are available depend on the values in the column.
To apply the filters, press
, or select . After the results are returned, you can apply additional filters. You can also click a column header to display the values in the column in ascending or descending order.Clear and return filters to their default selections.
Some grid columns cannot be filtered due to the type of information in the column. In this case, the filters are disabled. Storeroom does not support all filter options for values that are derived from the ERP database.
After selecting a filter option, specify one or more values in the corresponding field. If you specify multiple values, records that contain the values, regardless of the order in which you specified the values, are displayed. For example, if you specify filter replacement in a product description, results for products with a description that includes filter replacement or replacement filter are displayed.