Force shipping
If product was missed during receiving or counting, the actual amount of a product in a Storeroom warehouse may be greater than the Storeroom or Distribution SX.e product balances. To resolve the imbalance, you can force ship, or over-issue, the full quantity on an issue.
When you request a quantity on an issue that is greater than the net available, you are asked to create a back order. Click Storeroom and Distribution SX.e will show a negative amount, which is the difference between the Requested/Issued amount and the previous net available. When you run the Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report, a stock adjustment is made for the difference, and the Net Available balance in Product Warehouse Product Setup is set to zero. If the product is distributor-owned, the customer is billed for the adjustment.
, and then specify an Issued amount that is equal to the Requested and then add the line. The available amount in