Storeroom roles

This table shows the security roles that you can assign to users in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.

The roles are hierarchical. The SR.StoreroomMgr role is the highest level. It allows access to all modules and functions in Storeroom, except the Security module. The second level of roles, such as IM.InventoryAdmin, allows access to a specific module. A third level of roles, such as IM.InvMvtEntryApprove, allows access to a function within a module.

Module or function

Role name


Security Storeroom-AP.ApplicationAdmin Allows access to Setup menu functions for the configuration of users
Storeroom-AP.CompanyAdmin Allows access to Security menu functions for the configuration of companies, customers, roles, and users.
Global Storeroom-SR.StoreroomMgr Global role to house all Storeroom roles, allows access to entire application except the Security module
Storeroom-SR.ERPUser Allows user to drill back to Distribution SX.e from links for OE, PO, and WT numbers
Mobile Storeroom-SM.StoreroomMobile Allows access to the Storeroom Mobile application
Setup Storeroom-SU.SetupAdmin Allows access to Setup functions
Storeroom-SU.SetupDepartment Allows access to Department Setup
Storeroom-SU.SetupGLAccount Allows access to GL Account Setup
Storeroom-SU.SetupCustomerProduct Allows access to Customer Product Setup
Storeroom-SU.SetupWarehouse Allows access to Warehouse Setup
Storeroom-SU.SetupEmployee Allows access to Employee Setup
Storeroom-SU.SetupMachine Allows access to Machine Setup
Cycle Count Storeroom-CC.CycleCountAdmin Allows all Cycle Count transactions with approval
Storeroom-CC.CycleCountAllowImport Allows import/upload of cycle count data from a flat file
Storeroom-CC.CycleCountDelete Allows only deletion of Cycle Count runs.
Storeroom-CC.CycleCountEntry Allows only entry of Cycle Counts.
Storeroom-CC.CycleCountRpt Allows execution of all Cycle Count reports and menu options, except for Cycle Count Entry
Storeroom-CC.CycleCountSubmit Allows only submission of Cycle Count runs.

Inventory Movement

Storeroom-IM.InventoryAdmin Allows all Inventory Movement transactions with approval, and all Cycle Count functions
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtApproveOnly Allows approval of Inventory Movement transactions, but no entry
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtEntryApprove Allows approval of Inventory Movement transactions they can enter
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtNoApprove Allows entry of Inventory Movement transactions, but no approval
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtAdjustmentNoApprove Allows entry of Inventory Movement-Adjustments transactions, but no approval
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtAdjustmentApproveOnly Allows approval of Inventory Movement-Adjustments transactions, but no entry
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtAllowTaxableFlag Allows selection of Taxable option in Regrind function
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtAvailNoApprove Allows entry of Inventory Movement-Available transactions, but no approval
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtAvailApproveOnly Allows approval of Inventory Movement-Available transactions, but no entry
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtRegrindNoApprove Allows entry of Inventory Movement-Regrind transaction, but no approval
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtRegrindApproveOnly Allows approval of Inventory Movement-Regrind transaction, but no entry
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtTransferNoApprove Allows entry of Inventory Movement-Transfer transaction, but no approval
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtTransferApproveOnly Allows approval of Inventory Movement-Transfer transaction, but no entry
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtUnavailableNoApprove Allows entry of Inventory Movement-Unavailable transaction, but no approval
Storeroom-IM.InvMvtUnavailableApproveOnly Allows approval of Inventory Movement-Unavailable transaction, but no entry


Storeroom-IQ.InquiryAdmin Allows visibility of Item Inquiries menu
Storeroom-RC.ReceiptsAdmin Allows user to access Regrind In Receipt using the drillback in Open Regrind Inquiry

Issues & Returns

Storeroom-IR.IssuesReturnsAdmin Allows full access to Issues & Returns, including the ability to import data from external source to create an issue or return.

Allows cancellation of a purchase order line for a nonstock on a tied purchase order that is in Stage 1 Ordered. Allows cancellation of the tied purchase order if it does not contain other active lines after a purchase order line for a nonstock is deleted.

Allows for Rapid Issue Entry.

Allows sourcing of stock and nonstock products during issue entry. Also allows for submission of direct orders for stock and nonstock products during issue entry.


Allows entry of nonstock products in Issue Entry. Does not allow access to Receipt Entry.

Allows for submission of direct orders of nonstocks in Issue Entry.

Storeroom-IR.IssRetAllowNonStkEntry Allows entry of nonstock products on issues and returns, including rapid issue entry.
Storeroom-IR.BackOrderMaintenance Allow maintenance of backorders.
Storeroom- IR.IssRetAllowDistInventoryType Allows entry of returns for distributor-owned inventory in Issues & Returns.

The Storeroom-IR.IssuesReturnsAdmin role must also be selected.

Storeroom-IR.IssRetAllowReturn Allows entry of returns for customer-owned inventory in Issues & Returns and Rapid Issue Entry.
Storeroom-IR.IssRetAllowStkEntry Allows entry of issues and receiving of stocked products in Issues & Returns and all receiving in Receipts, and creation of back orders with nonstocks. Does not permit nonstock or returns entry.

Allows for Rapid Issue Entry.

Storeroom-IR.IssRetAllowTaxableFlag Allows selection of Taxable option in Issues & Returns
Storeroom-IR.IssRetAllowImport Allows import of data from external source, such as a flat file or BOD, to create issues or returns
Storeroom-IR.IssRetAllowOverIssue Allows entry of a quantity issued greater than the quantity available in Issues & Returns
Storeroom-IR.IssRetAllowNonStkWtAccess Allows override of the warehouse that defaults when tying a nonstock issue to a warehouse transfer in Non-Stock Item Entry

Allows cancellation of a purchase order line for a nonstock on a tied purchase order that is in these stages:

  • Stage 2 Printed
  • Stage 3 Acknowledged


Storeroom-RC.ReceiptsAdmin Allows access to all functions in Receipts
Storeroom-RC.RcptAllowStkEntry Allows access to the Receipts menu
Storeroom-RC.RcptCustProdPO Allows access to the Customer Product PO menu
Storeroom-RC.RcptCustProdPOEdit Allows maintenance of products in Receipts-Customer Product ‘PO’ Edit
Storeroom-RC.RcptCustProdPONew Allows entry of product in Receipts-Customer Product ‘PO’ Edit

Allows import/upload of PO receipt data from a flat file