Record maintenance and deletion
To maintain an existing record in Storeroom, click the icon to open the record and then click .
To delete an active or inactive setup record in Storeroom, click the icon to open the record and then click . You must confirm that you want to delete the record before it is removed.
You cannot delete user and role records in Storeroom. They must be deleted in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le. You can edit Storeroom user and role records in Storeroom but these limits are imposed:
- You cannot delete a role from a user record.
- You can change the description on a role record, but the change does not update the description in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.
You cannot delete a record that is tied to an active record. For example, you cannot delete a machine record that is assigned to an active warehouse record. An error message is displayed and you are prevented from deleting the machine record. This is also true of records that are assigned to active issues, receipts, or inventory movement or cycle count records. We recommend that you inactivate records instead of deleting them. Otherwise, you must clear those records from the associated records before you can delete them.