
This section describes actions that you can perform to solve Storeroom issues.

BOD data sent from Distribution SX.e is not updating Storeroom

Cause: Data is not flowing from Distribution SX.e to Storeroom, or the BODs are not processed in Storeroom.

Solution: Verify that the data is flowing Distribution SX.e to Storeroom. View the status of the BODs in SA ION Inbox/Outbox Inquiry.

See information about SA ION Inbox/Outbox Inquiry in the online help.

If data is not flowing between the systems, see the Troubleshooting section in the InforCloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide.

If data is flowing between the systems, check the status of the BODs in Storeroom. Select Admin > Business Object Document. If the status of a BOD is 9, the BOD failed to process. Contact Infor Support for assistance.

Note: After a BOD is successfully processed, it is not displayed in the function. You may briefly see a BOD with a status of 1-Unprocessed or 2-In process. All BODs that are listed on this page are systematically deleted on the first day of each month.

Optionally, you can enable email notification of exceptions for all BODs that are consumed by Storeroom, except for SecurityUserMaster BODS.

  1. Select Admin > Properties.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify true.
    Specify the email address of the recipient.
    Specify the email address of the sender.