Units of measure
Set up unit of measure (UOM) conversions for product issue and counting in Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup or SA Table Code Value Setup.
Product unit of measure
When a product that has a UOM specified on the Storeroom Customer Product record is issued, the Storeroom UOM is validated against the Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup record. The conversion factor is used to determine the correct price and cost for the product in Distribution SX.e.
If UOM is not specified on the Customer Product record, the selling unit in Product Setup is applied to the product. If a selling unit is not specified, the stocking unit is used.
If you set up a Customer Product record with a different selling or stocking UOM, create a Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup record for that product.
Counting unit of measure
Determine if the counting UOM for each Storeroom product should be the same as the stocking UOM. If not, specify the count unit in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Storeroom. For example, you can stock boxes of gloves but issue and count them as a pair. Your stocking UOM is box and your counting UOM is pair.
The Storeroom count unit must be a valid UOM for that is set up in Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup or SA Table Code Value Setup-Unit Conversion. If you do not specify a Storeroom count unit, the Counting UOM in Product Setup is used on the Product Entry Storeroom Count Report. If the Counting field in Product Setup is blank, the stocking UOM in Product Setup is used.