Importing employee records
You can import employee records into Storeroom, instead of creating them manually. Specify the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that is saved as a CSV file. Optionally, you can use a text editor, such as Notepad, to create the file.
This table shows the format that is required for file. You must specify each header name as it is shown in the order that it is shown. If you are adding employees with supervisor status, list them in the import file before the employees that they supervise. Only these values are required to create a record:
- Employee ID
- Email address
- First and last name
Column | Header name | Accepted data values |
A | EmployeeID | User-defined value |
B | DefaultDepartment | Existing department |
C | Email address from the employee's Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le user record | |
D | Supervisor | True or false |
E | Distributor | True or false |
F | ViewPrice | True or false |
G | PrintPricePickticket | True or false |
H | NonStockTransLimit | Numerical |
I | DailyTransactionLimit | Numerical |
J | MonthlyTransactionLimit | Numerical |
K | TransactionLimit | Numerical |
L | TransactionOverrideLimit | True or false |
M | FirstName | User-defined value |
N | LastName | User-defined value |
O | ProjectRequired | True or false |
P | WorkorderRequired | True or false |
Q | MachineRequired | True or false |
R | ErpOperator | User ID for Distribution SX.e |
S | DefaultWarehouse | Existing warehouse |
T | ActiveStatus | True or false Note: If you do not specify a value, the record is active by
U | LimitIssueEmployeeSelection | True or false |
V | AllowBackorder | True or false |
W | AllowedWarehouses * | One or more existing warehouses |
X | AllowedDepartments * | One or more existing departments |
Y | Supervisors* | One or more existing employees with supervisor status |
* To import multiple values, use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each value. For example, Whse01|Whse02|Whse03.