Editing routes

You can edit routes that have an NEW, ASSIGNED, or RETRIEVED status. Routes that are STARTED or FINISHED cannot be edited.

  1. Select Menu > Routes.
  2. Click the drill-down arrow next to the route to edit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Optionally, modify this information:
    Start Date
    This must be the current date or a future date.
    Initiating Manager
    The manager who is associated with the route.
    Information about this route. This note is sent to the Proof of Delivery Driver application.
    Driver ID
    The driver this route is assigned to.
    Truck ID
    The truck this route is assigned to.
  5. To add a new delivery to an existing route, click Add Delivery.
  6. For routes in RETRIEVED status, when you click Edit, the status is changed to ASSIGNED. To reassign deliveries to another route, click Assign Route. See Reassigning deliveries to a different route.
  7. To delete the route, click Delete.
  8. Click Update.
  9. Click the drill down arrow next to a delivery to edit that delivery.