
This table shows a list of icons used in Proof of Delivery.

Icon or button Description
../images/image1.png Add New

Creates a new record

../images/image2.png Edit

Places the selected record in edit mode so you can update it

../images/image3.png Delete

Removes the selected record

../images/image4.png Save

Saves the new or edited record

../images/image5.png Reset

Removes changes to a new or edited record

../images/image6.png Cancel

Resets the original information and exits the screen without saving changes

../images/image7.png Menu

Displays or hides the user menu

../images/image8.png Back

Returns to the previous screen

../images/image9.png Assign

Adds the selected available warehouse

../images/image10.png Un-assign

Removes the selected assigned warehouse


../images/image14.png ../images/image15.png


Displays information in the grid based on your selection: Sort Descending or Sort Descending

../images/image16.png Show the Search box
../images/image17.png Hide the Search box
Drilldown Detail

Displays line detail for the selected record