Managing routes and deliveries
You can use the Deliveries and Routes functions in two ways. From the menu, you can access these screens refreshed with all available data. The Deliveries and Routes functions are linked throughout the application so you can also tie routes and deliveries from either window. You can start Proof of Delivery processing from the Deliveries or Routes window, based on your preferred work flow.
Users receive push notifications to the Proof of Delivery driver application when an update
is made to a route. The notifications are sent when these changes occur:
- A new route is assigned to the driver
- A route is removed from the driver’s assignment
- Deliveries are removed from the route
- Deliveries are added to the route
When a notification is received while the application is in use, the user must swipe down the Routes list for the list to refresh and update. When the application is not in use, the user must log in to the application to view the updated Routes list.