Implementing label printing

Follow this checklist to perform the tasks to implement label printing:

Task Reference
Install the ION Enterprise Connector and the Infor Distribution Cloud Connector. Import the SXFileTransfer BOD. Infor ION User Guide (Cloud) and Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide
Add the SXFileTransport BOD to the CloudSuite Distribution connection point.

Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide

Import the solution xml.

Importing and configuring the solution XML

Install Enterprise Printing Platform

Installing Enterprise Printing Platform

Set up the label printer in Enterprise Printing Platform Setting up the label printer in Enterprise Printing Platform
Set up the designated label printer in TWL Administration-Printer.

Setting up the label printer in TWL

Set up warehouse parameters. Setting up warehouse parameters
Set up Enterprise Printing Platform labels.

Setting up labels

Load Enterprise Printing Platform label templates and dictionary files. Loading default label and dictionary files
Upload the label templates to Enterprise Printing Platform. Enterprise Printing Platform documentation
Verify the data flow and label printing.

Verify the data flow

Review label and printer setup information. Reviewing label and printer setup information