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Infor Distribution SX.e Setup and Administration Guide for Total Warehouse Logistics (Cloud)
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About this guide
TWL Components
Distribution SX.e
Warehouse Logistics module
End-of-day process
Functional overview
Communication file structure
Process types
Communication exceptions
Synchronization errors
Transaction logs
TWL user login and function security
Setup checklist
TWL Web Setup
About TWL Web module setup
TWL company records
Setting up a TWL company
TWL warehouse records
Setting up a TWL warehouse
TWL departments and shifts
Setting up TWL departments
Setting up TWL shifts
TWL RF employees
Setting up TWL RF employees
TWL warehouse zones
Setting up TWL warehouse zones
TWL carrier management
Packing list printing
Setting up TWL shipping carriers
TWL receiving docks
TWL staging locations
Setting up TWL receiving dock and staging locations
TWL shipping docks
Setting up TWL shipping docks
TWL return-adjust and reason unavailable codes
Setting up TWL return-adjust and reason unavailable codes
TWL printers
Setting up TWL printers
TWL system parameters
Setting up TWL system parameters
TWL user-specific configuration
Modifying TWL user-specific configuration
Copying a configuration record
Modifying a configuration record
Deleting a configuration record
Setting up Distribution SX.e
TWL WL Location overview
Setting the TWL WL Location
Setting the TWL WL Options
About TWL warehouse description
Setting the TWL warehouse description
About WL Administration Initialize Warehouse
Initializing the warehouse
TWL operator permissions overview
Setting the TWL operator permissions
TWL authorization points overview
Setting the TWL authorization points
Setting the TWL printing options
Setting the TWL backorder options
Setting the TWL barcode options
About TWL expanded product number options
Setting the TWL expanded product number options
Setting the TWL purchase order defaults
Setting the TWL ship-via carriers
About TWL return adjust codes
Setting the TWL return adjust codes
Setting the TWL printer groups
Setting the TWL printers
Send and Receive log files
Setting up locations
About TWL layout and location settings
Warehouse layout
Warehouse zones
Counter sale zone
Receiving dock
Inbound receiving staging location
Packing and shipping staging locations
Location assignments
Bin locations
Counter locations
Kit staging locations
Alternate locations
Location and picking method
Primary pick locations
Location and packing method
Location and TWL item records
Location and barcode and labels
Modifying a TWL location record using the RF
Creating multiple locations using TWL Web
Modifying a TWL location record using TWL Web to enable Primary Pick
Setting up a TWL primary pick location using Item setup
Setting up TWL alternate locations
Updating an alternate location record
Deleting an alternate location record
Creating TWL pick sequence records
Setting a warehouse zone pick sequence
Setting a location pick sequence
Setting a product category pick sequence
Modifying a TWL bin location pick sequence using the RF
Creating barcode cross-references
Creating a barcode cross-reference record in the system
Creating a cross-reference record from TWL
Setting up the RF unit
About the Radio Frequency unit
Logging into the TWL RF system
RF general navigation
Expanded product number
Serial numbers in RF
TWL RF Administration Maintenance
Timeout for locked records
RF Utilities
RF note creation
Creating a note from the RF
F12 item lookup
Language options
RF unit reports
Setting up EOD processing
About EOD processing
End-of-Day Configuration options
About file retention
Setting up TWL EOD processing
Viewing item history creation dates
Creating a schedule for file retention
Setting up lots
About TWL and lots
Setting the TWL lot product designation
Setting the TWL lot product defaults
Setting the TWL lot product sales order defaults
Setting up a TWL lot product
Setting up TWL system parameters for a lot product
Setting up a TWL work center
Setting up a kit work center
Setting up TWL Receiving Only
About implementing the TWL Receiving-Only function
Setup overview
Processing overview
Data flow
Receipt status
Customer returns
Implementing the TWL Receiving-Only function
Setting up a TWL Receiving-Only WL Location
Setting up TWL Receiving-Only WL Options
Setting up a TWL Receiving-Only warehouse description
Setting up a TWL Receiving-Only warehouse products
Setting up a TWL Receiving-Only company
Setting up a TWL Receiving-Only warehouse
Populating TWL records with system data
Processing purchase and transfer receipts in TWL
Processing a customer return in TWL
Ongoing system administration
Reviewing TWL data communications
Changing the status of a communication
Purging inactive communications
Resending a synchronize communication
Transaction logs
TWL RF Shortcut Keys
Picking parameters
Packing parameters
Replenishment parameters
Order Management parameters
System parameters
Receiving parameters
Shipping parameters
Inventory Control parameters
Put Away parameters
Initial physical inventory
Initial Physical Inventory
Integrating TWL with Enterprise Printing Platform
Label types
Dictionary file
Calculated fields
Concatenated fields
Label printing workflow
Required products
Implementing label printing
Importing and configuring the solution XML
Installing Enterprise Printing Platform
Setting up the label printer in Enterprise Printing Platform
Setting up the label printer in TWL
Setting up a warehouse for label printing
Setting up labels
Loading the default label templates and dictionary files
Verify the data flow
Customizing SCM labels
Reviewing label and printer setup information
Printing an Enterprise Printing Platform label from TWL
Integrating TWL with Infor Document Management
Configuration checklist
Standard and custom labels
Obtaining the data dictionary file for TWL
Selecting IDM as the label generator
Setting up a printer to generate custom label output
Identifying SCM label output for a customer
Integrating TWL orders with Proof of Delivery
Activation of TWL integration with POD
Workflow of TWL integration with POD
Reference information
Module-function reference
TWL Administration
TWL Configuration
TWL Execution
TWL Inbound
TWL Outbound
Communication file structure descriptions
WLET Driver file
WLEM Master file
WLEH Order Header file
WLEL Line Item file
Process type descriptions
Communication exception descriptions
TWL report descriptions
Inbound reports
Outbound reports
Productivity reports
Inventory reports
Master reports
Management reports
Transaction types
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