Location and packing method

The TWL Configuration-Warehouse-Warehouse Parameters settings provide two parameters that determine whether a) the packing step is performed and b) a packing location is needed:

  • pick-to-pack
  • pick-to-tote

In a pick-to-pack environment, you place the products you pick immediately into a shipping container or on a truck pallet. To use truck pallets, you must set the parameter 1068, Truck Pallets, to Yes. Because products are picked from the shelf and put directly into a shipping container, the packing process is eliminated. Packing by order and packing by customer are not relevant options on the RF if your warehouse is set up to be a pick-to-pack warehouse.

When you implement TWL, system parameters have been selected to configure your system. In a pick-to-pack or pick-to-tote warehouse, use these picking parameters to pick more than one order, with the same destination, to a pallet or a tote:

  • Parameter 1054, Tote Validation
  • Parameter 1060, Carton Validation

You can also use these parameters to pack more than one order in a single carton. To pack more than one order in a single carton, perform a carton-to-carton transfer.

Use picking parameter 1080, Truck Pallet Validation, to control the validation used when you pick to a truck pallet using the RF Picking module. This parameter prevents two ship addresses and carriers from being picked onto the same truck pallet. Options include:

  • No Validation
  • Ship Address and Carrier
  • Carrier and Service
  • Order and Order Suffix
  • Customer Code and Carrier

If you enable parameter 1099, Suggest Carton – Advanced, then the validation criteria defined in parameter 1060, Carton Validation, determines which carton is suggested. The last carton the picker used is suggested, even if the carton was for a different order. Only cartons that you previously packed are suggested.

When the shipping container or truck pallet is full, the pallet can be shipped on a carrier managed by TWL. The Ship verification is performed to update the order and synchronize with the system.

In a pick-to-tote environment, you place picked products into an intermediate container, or tote, that is affixed to a cart or alternate location.

Your facility might be configured for quick pack, which means you pack the entire contents of a tote into a carton. Parameter 1051, Packing Option, determines the scanning order and packing configuration, and you have these options:

  • Carton from Totes: This option allows the packer to quickly pack a carton from a tote. The packer will be asked to scan a carton and then the tote.
  • Tote to Cartons: This option allows the packer to quickly pack many cartons from one tote. This feature should be used for warehouses which pick large orders to one tote identifier or one order to a tote. The packer will be asked to scan a tote and then scan the cartons the tote contents will be packed in.
  • Quick Scan: The Quick Scan option is currently the same as the Tote to Cartons option.

Packing parameter 5261 enables the Pick to Pack Employee Override checkbox on the TWL RF Employee Setup screen, which allows you to set the packing type for a TWL employee to Pick to Pack, overriding the packing type selected for a TWL warehouse.