Shipping open cartons using an internal carrier

Use these instructions to select open cartons or pallets for shipping by an internal carrier, such as your own delivery truck, and then ship the carton. This allows for cartons to be processed for an internal carrier where freight entry is not required. You can select from a list of open cartons in TWL Outbound-Shipping-Order Carton Info. A TWL manifest is created for the dock and carrier if the dock is not pre-loaded in TWL RF.

Note: The carrier for a pallet or carton must be the same for all selected cartons in the TWL Outbound-Shipping-Order Carton Info Cartons grid. If the cartons selected are on a ship-going pallet, then the entire pallet is shipped. Orders must be in a Pack status.
  1. From the TWL Web module, select TWL Outbound > Shipping > Order Carton Info.
  2. In the Search panel, specify this information:
    Select the TWL warehouse you are shipping from.
    Select your internal carrier. Only carriers set up in TWL Outbound-Carrier Master as an Internal Carrier Type can be selected. If you select an external carrier, an error is displayed, and the cartons are not shipped.
    Select Open.
  3. Select one or more cartons in the grid and click Ship TWL Internal Carrier Containers.
  4. Click Yes for the question Ship Selected TWL Internal Carrier Containers?
The orders are shipped and removed from the Cartons grid. All standard error handling from the TWL RF is performed for carton or shipping pallet validation. If errors are encountered for a specific container, processing is stopped and an error message is displayed.