Order drop

Organize orders and drop them to the floor with Order Drop Manager. The manner in which the orders are dropped to the floor must be carefully planned, designed, and supervised. The objective of the routing pattern is to reduce or minimize the nonproductive time of traveling between locations. It should also increase delivery speed to the customer.

Order filtering

In Order Drop Manager, you can use Search or Advanced Search to find and show orders in the grid.

In the Search pane, you must specify a warehouse. When you do, a prompt may be displayed: Confirmation - There are emergency orders. would you like to view them now?. Emergency orders are rush orders. Click No to manage these orders later, or click Yes to manage them now.

In the Search pane, use the View field to filter your results by selecting from: Dropped, Undropped, Dropped and Open, or All. To further filter results, use the Wave lookup or the Include On Hold option. The record limit plays an important part in making this page manageable.

Use the Advanced Search independently from the Search pane. The searches are not used in combination. For example, when you specify the TWL warehouse in the Search pane, that warehouse does not auto-populate the Warehouse field in Advanced Search.

Filtered results are displayed in the grid. The grid label indicates which search is used. You can now manage the orders.

Toolbar buttons

When you select one or more orders in the grid, you can use the buttons in the grid toolbar to Drop, Zero Ship, UnDrop, Update, and view Comments. Buttons are available based on the order status. For example, if unassigned orders are selected and ready to be dropped, the Drop and Zero Ship buttons are available, and the UnDrop button is not. The UnDrop button is available for open and assigned orders.

Use the Update option to update the selected order. Options that are not applicable are not available. The options are:

  • In Use To Open: Changes in-use orders back to open status. An order is in-use if another user is dropping the order. An order can also get stuck in-use if the user refreshes the browser during the drop process instead of continuing with Next. You can also use this option to undrop in-process work orders.
  • Carrier: The carrier can be changed on selected orders.
  • Rush: The order is changed to an Emergency (Rush) type; or reversed from an Emergency to non-Emergency.
  • Assign Employees: Enables you to change employee assignments on dropped orders.

If the order has comments, use the Comments button to view any comments.


Use the criteria in the Advanced Search to select which orders to drop together. To achieve the maximum employee productivity, the appropriate order picker routing pattern must be implemented in conjunction with these options:
Option Description
Assigned Shows orders that are assigned to a wave when they were dropped.
Branch Enables you to find a warehouse transfer with a specific branch ID.
Carrier Shows orders with a specific carrier. Dropping orders by carrier enables you to schedule order picking and processing to coincide with the carrier arrival. If the carrier on an order does not have a TWL Outbound-Shipping-Carrier Master record, the order is skipped when you try to drop the order.
Customer Name Enables orders to be sorted by customer name or ship to location. The ship to location is the default value from the order.
Expected Ship Date Prioritizes orders according to estimated ship date as promised to the customer.
Order # Used when you know the specific order to be filled. Use this option to respond faster to emergency orders or to prepare pick-up or counter sale orders.
Order Class Identifies whether the order is a counter sale, return to vendor, regular sales order, value add work order, warehouse transfer, or work order.
Order Status Search by the order’s status in TWL.
Order Type Relates to the type of order you are dropping. Options include Assembly, Counter Sale, Backorder, Emergency, Regular order, Return to Vendor, Ship Complete, Tag & Hold, Just In Time, Value Add, Transfer, Transfer Direct, or Will Call.
Priority Orders can be sorted according to the Pick Priority field on the Customer Setup record. The qualifying orders can also be sorted by date, order, priority, or status.
Product Select this criteria to find all drop orders that include a specific product. This is useful to prioritize orders to be handled in Order Drop Manager for one product. You can specify a stocked, nonstock, or BOD kit product in the Product field. This search also includes zero-picked products. All lines on the qualifying order, including the selected product's line, are shown in the Advanced Search grid.
Record Limit Use to keep the data displayed on the page manageable.
Route The Route/Day/Stop value from the Customer Setup record is the default value in the Sales Order Entry order. Sorting orders by the route is helpful when you have a fleet of trucks or use a local delivery service. The Route field can contain up to 40 characters.
Single Line Orders Product Single line orders can be picked, packed, and shipped faster to clear the queue for more labor-intensive or complicated orders.
Note: If you are viewing single line orders in the Order Drop Manager grid, notice that the Production Quantity column applies only to single line orders. It also corresponds with that line’s requested quantity.
Warehouse Shows the warehouse you are working in. If you have security, you can also use this to view other warehouse orders and drop them.
Warehouse Zone Picking by warehouse zone means zones are picked simultaneously, with the picker traveling through assigned stock areas in location sequence. At each location, they pick stock for all orders for the same product. The inventory is then sorted to fill individual orders.
Wave Use this primarily to inquire on orders already dropped. When a group of orders is dropped, the group is assigned to a wave.
Work Order Department Filters work orders for a specific kit build department or a list of kit build departments. If a work order contains multiple kits with different work orders that are assigned to different kit build departments, the order is displayed. At least one kit must match the kit build department criteria.