Printing documents using IDM Demand Print

The IDM Demand Print option expedites the printing process by allowing you to print Infor Document Management (IDM) documents at the sales counter from a local printer when immediate printing is required. IDM Demand Print is accessible from the Sales Order Entry-Print and Purchase Order Entry-Print screens.

Only IDM documents can use this printing method if the IDM Demand Print option is selected in the Sales Order Entry-Print or Purchase Order Entry-Print screens. IDM documents are those that are set up as Print Format 4 forms with an Output Type of IDM Output Management or IDM Output Management and Third Party in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing and SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Printing.

You can print these IDM documents using IDM Demand Print from the Sales Order Entry-Print screen:

  • Acknowledgments
  • Pick tickets
  • Delivery notes
  • Invoices

You can print the purchase order document using IDM Demand Print from the Purchase Order Entry-Print screen.

IDM Demand Print remains available on both print screens until you log out of the session or clear the IDM Demand Print option on one of the print screens.

When your documents are ready to be printed from the Sales Order Entry-Print or Purchase Order Entry-Print screens, click Submit. A PDF version of the document displays in a separate browser tab and can be printed using the browser's Print option.

Documents using IDM as an output type are generated and saved in Infor Document Management by default. The PDF files created with IDM Demand Print are also displayed in the Document Management context widget and saved in theInfor Document Management application if the browser tab is closed before they are printed.