Product Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report ranges and options
See the Report ranges topic for more information.
- Print As Of
Select Yes to activate the As of Date option. The report looks back from the current date (to the date you specify) to find Inventory Control and General Ledger records based on their posting date.
Sales Order Entry pulls the Product Extended Serial # Setup or Product Extended Lot # Setup information during Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report.
Stock adjustment transactions created in Transfer Exception Receipts Entry are not used to calculate the Inventory Quantity on the Product Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report when you select this option. An increase and a corresponding decrease are made internally in the shipping warehouse for the exception quantity. The net effect of the stock adjustment is zero.
Select No to use current balances.
- As Of Date
You must select Yes for the Print As Of option to activate this option.
This is the posting date the report looks back to. Balances are calculated through this date and simulate balances at the end of that date.
The as of functionality involves two calculations, and they are both designed to work from the posting date of the individual records.
The General Ledger as of uses a very simple calculation method. It uses the YTD General Ledger balance from the current posting year. From that amount, it rolls backward through every transaction posted after the report cutoff date and subtracts and adds to the balance.
Because Inventory Control involves both a cost and quantity, it is necessary to use the cost that was in effect at the as of cutoff point. To facilitate this, each Product Transaction Entry record includes the General Ledger cost that was in effect at the time of that particular posting (captured before updating average and last cost).
As you process backward through the transactions posted after the cutoff, you eventually wind up at the first transaction posted after the cutoff. The cost recorded on this transaction is after the cutoff. The cost recorded on this transaction is multiplied by the calculated Product Warehouse Product Setup On Hand quantity to arrive at the value of the inventory at that time.
Note: Since this works from the most current balance, it is important that posting to the inventory accounts does not coincide with running this report. If posting is being performed, a warning appears on the report if the account was altered between the time it was first accessed and when the final as of balance was determined.Inventory Control balances are handled much the same as the General Ledger. Because Inventory Control balances are perpetual, the current balance is always used as a starting point and individual transactions are subtracted or added based on transaction types. Each transaction is processed in turn from the highest date posted back to the as of date. This determines the quantity to appear and use in the calculation.
You cannot post past the current year without rolling balances and making the next year current. From that total it rolls backward through every transaction posted after the report cutoff date, subtracting and adding to the balance. Since Inventory Control accounts are always balance forward accounts, this works even when the as of date is in a prior year. If you specify a cutoff date, the balances reflect the cost and balance as of the end of the period entered.
If your company is based on a 12-period calendar year, the month and year specified is converted to the correct period. If your company is based on a 13-period calendar year, the month and year specified is converted to the correct period based on the 13 ending dates in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Fiscal Year.
Specify -1 to -7**/-7/** and the current date less 7 days is used for the date.
Note: If you are generating this report for a period other than the current period, the correct FIFO information may not be reported because FIFO figures for a past date cannot be recreated if they were deleted. in the day field to go back up to 7 days. For example, specify Product Extended FIFO Setup records may be deleted after their quantities have been depleted, according to the setting of the Delete Layer When Empty option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. Therefore, the Product Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report cannot obtain the cost and quantity information for previous dates. In an as of environment, the cost stored in each Product Transaction Entry record is used. This cost is dependent on the Balance Sheet in the day field to option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. - Compare A)vg, S)td, R)pl, L)st, F)ifo, B)Lifo
This option allows you to compare inventory values, depending on the cost selection made in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. An amount and percentage difference are offered for comparison. Specify the cost in the Post to G/L By option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs.
Specify A to compare by Average cost.
Specify S to compare by Standard cost.
Specify R to compare by Replacement cost.
Specify L to compare by Last cost.
Specify F to compare by FIFO cost.
Specify B to compare by LIFO cost.
If you specify any cost comparison option other than (A)verage, and you print the report with an as of date, no cost comparison information is printed on the report.
If you leave this option blank, no comparisons are made.
- Print Cost Variances of >= % Diff?
This option only applies if you specified a comparison in the Compare option and the Print Prod (D)etail, (G)/L, or (T)otal option is set to (D)etail.
Accept the default of 0 and no variance check is performed against the values.
Specify a value and only those products with a difference greater or equal to the percentage entered are included on the report. The specified value is the percent difference and must be less than or equal to:
.SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs selected cost x (Product Warehouse Product Setup-Balances On Hand + Unavailable + Received)
minus theProduct Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report comparison cost x (Product Warehouse Product Setup-Balances On Hand + Unavailable + Received
) divided by theSA Administrator Options-Products-Costs selected cost x (Product Warehouse Product Setup-Balances On Hand + Unavailable + Received)
multiplied by 100- Print Prod (D)etail, (G)/L, or (T)otal
Specify (D)etail to print every Product Warehouse Product Setup record including Section One. The first part of the report is sorted and prints according to Product Extended GL Distribution Setup information. Products are printed in product order under their respective product categories.
Specify (G)/L to print Section Two, General Ledger balancing information. Section One of the report is not printed.
Specify (T)otal to print the final total from section two, but only a grand total is printed. This is the total amount for inventory. Section One of the report is not printed.
- Print Only Where Qty > 0 (D) Only
This option is valid only if the Print Prod (D)etail, (G)/L, or (T)otal option is set to (D)etail.
Select Yes to print only information when the quantity is greater than zero.
- Print Manual Balance Changes? (D) Only
This option is valid only if the Print Prod (D)etail, (G)/L, or (T)otal option is set to (D)etail.
Select Yes if you are trying to balance an out-of-balance product. When you print manual changes, you can review potential causes.
- Print Prod Descriptions (D) Only
This option is valid only if the Print Prod (D)etail, (G)/L, or (T)otal option is set to (D)etail.
Select Yes to print the Product Setup fields.
- Print ICSEG & SASO Unused Accounts?
This report functions by finding warehouses and products and printing the corresponding Product Extended GL Distribution Setup record. Select Yes and Product Extended GL Distribution Setup records are reviewed to select any that were not found in normal processing. This indicates warehouse/product category records that do not have products assigned within the ranges entered. Any balance represented by these might cause an out-of-balance condition.
The same is true of the SA Operator Setup-G/L Accounts records. It would be unusual if an operator has an inventory account with a balance. If an operator does have an inventory account with a balance, it could be the reason for the out of balance condition.
- Roll IC Serial #/Lot Detail?
Select Yes to pull the serial/lot information from the Product Extended Serial # Setup or Product Extended Lot # Setup records.
Select No to pull serial/lot information from the Product Warehouse Product Setup records.
For example, the Post to G/L By option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs is set to Replacement, and the Roll SN/Lot option is selected. When the product is received, the replacement cost from Product Warehouse Product Setup is posted to General Ledger.
If you select No for this option, the Product Warehouse Product Setup information for this report is used to ensure the records are in balance with General Ledger.
- Display Open Journals?
Select Yes to print warning messages for all open journals.
Select No to exclude warning messages.
- Division Group
- Select a division group to generate the report for the divisions assigned
to that division group. If you specify both the division group and division range, the
report is generated only for those divisions within the specified division range and
division group.Note: The results for a division group or division are not generated in the report if the division security for an operator is not assigned to that division group or division on the Other Options tab of the SA Operator Setup screen.