Vendor Inquiry - Vendor Contracts field descriptions

Use the additional search feature to refine the list of vendor contracts in the Vendor Contracts grid.

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.


Contract #
Specify a contract number to limit the search results to vendor contracts associated with that contract number.
Specify a customer to limit the search results to vendor contracts associated to that customer.
Select this checkbox to include inactive vendor contract records in the search results.
Specify a product to limit the search results to vendor contracts for that product.
Note: This field is displayed when the Vendor Contracts Records field is set to Vendor Contract/Product.
Product Line
Specify a product line to limit the search results to vendor contracts associated with that product line.
Note: This field is displayed only when:
  • The Enable Product Line checkbox is set to checked on the SA Administrator Options - Products - Pricing screen.
  • The Vendor Contracts Records field is set to Vendor Contract/Prod Line.
Product Price Type
Specify a product price type to limit the search results to vendor contracts of that product price type.
Note: This field is displayed when the Vendor Contracts Records field is set to Vendor Contract/Prod Type.
Rebate Sub Type
Specify the rebate sub type to limit the search results to vendor contracts of that rebate sub type.
Note: This field is displayed when the Vendor Contracts Records field is set to Vendor Contract/Rebate Type.
Rebate Type
Specify the rebate type to limit the search results to vendor contracts of that rebate type.
Note: This field is displayed when the Vendor Contracts Records field is set to Vendor Contract/Rebate Type.
Record Limit
Specify the number of records to include in the search results.
Ship To/Job #
Specify a vendor ship to or job number to limit the search results to vendor contracts with that vendor ship to number.
Start Date
Specify a start date to limit the search results to vendor contracts begins from the specified date.
Specify a unit of measure to limit the search results to vendor contracts with that unit.
Note: This field is displayed when the Vendor Contract Records field is set to Vendor Contract/Product.
Vendor Contract Records
Select the level of vendor contracts to limit the search results to vendor contracts of that level. Possible options:
  • Vendor Contract/Product
  • Vendor Contract/Prod Type
  • Vendor Contract/Rebate Type
  • Vendor Contract/Prod Line
  • Vendor Contract
Specify a warehouse to limit the search results to vendor contracts associated with that warehouse.
Note: This field is not displayed when the Vendor Contract Records field is set to Vendor Contract.