SA Operator Setup - Entry Options field descriptions

The fields are listed alphabetically within these sections:

Entry Overrides

OE/PO Entry Options

OE Entry Options

Other Entry Options

Entry Overrides

Access Promo Price in OE

Select Yes to require the operator to select a pricing option in Sales Order Entry. If No is selected, pricing is determined by the Promo Price Default setting in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.

Allow Non Stock Qty Ship Override

When orders are force shipped, the operator can inadvertently inflate nonstock inventory amounts. Force shipping generates a transaction to increase inventory if there is not enough to fill the forced shipment. If an operator overrides the ship quantity in Sales Order Entry, the ship quantity that is specified is accepted even if there is not enough product available.

This option determines if the operator can increase or decrease, only decrease, or make no changes to the shipped quantity for nonstocks in Sales Order Entry.

Allow Our Records Only Invoice

Indicate if the operator can select the Our Records Only Invoice option in Sales Order Entry. The option prevents invoices from printing automatically when these reports are run:

  • Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report
  • Sales Consolidated Invoice ReportSales Demand Invoices Report
Allow Override of Auto-Apply Credit in OE

Select YesSales Demand Invoices to allow the operator to override the default value for the Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option in Sales Order Entry. The Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option controls how Correction (CR) or Return Merchandise (RM) orders are applied. The default value is determined by the Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.

Allow Override of Hard System Price

When an operator specifies a product in Sales Order Entry, the price is calculated based on PD Pricing Setup records. If Allow Entry is specified in the Price/Discount Info field in the OE/PO Entry Options section, the operator can override the price, unless the system price is the hard system price.

Indicate if the operator can override the system price, discount, or discount type if the Hard System Price option is selected on the PD Pricing Setup record.

Allow Override of Invoice Terms

Select Yes to allow the operator to override the default values in these fields:

  • Terms field in Sales Order Entry and Purchase Order Entry

    The terms code is the cash discount that is allowed on an invoice and the number of days the discount is applicable. Terms codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

  • Deferred Bill Date field in Sales Order Entry

    A deferred bill date enables you to invoice process the order now and record the sale, but delay billing the customer until the bill date is reached. Accounts Receivable is updated for the invoice amount, but the customer's terms is based on the bill date.

Allow Override of Pricing Tolerances

Select Yes to allow the operator to specify a price in Sales Order Entry that is outside of the up or down tolerances that are specified in PD Pricing Setup.

Allow Sales Tax Rate Override

Indicate if the operator can change tax information on the Tax Detail window in Sales Order Entry-Taxes & Totals. This security level overrides the function security level that is set for Sales Order Entry.

If you select Yes, the operator can change the Taxable option, select the Tax Override option and specify an override Reason on the Tax Detail window. They can also change any information in the Jurisdiction section of the Tax Detail view.

If you select No, the operator can only change the Taxable option. However, they cannot select Tax Override and change the tax override Reason on the Tax Detail window. They are also prevented from overriding any jurisdiction information on the Tax Detail window.

Allow Ship To Override

Indicate if the operator can override the ship to address in Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, or Transfer Entry. The operator can only change the ship to address on a new order or transfer.

If the operator enters counter sales, you can specify No, but still allow override of ship to addresses when cash sales are entered for miscellaneous customers.

Allow Unlink of DO Ties

Indicate if the operator can unlink the tie between a Direct Order and the Direct Order purchase order (DO PO) that is created. This may be necessary to maintain the DO and DO PO independently and in a different order than would be done for standard processing. For example, it may be necessary to invoice the DO before the DO PO is received from the vendor to receive full or partial payment of the DO from the customer prior to the product being shipped.

When this option is selected, the operator can select Unlink DO Ties in Sales Order Entry. After creating the DO and entering lines, they can unlink the tied POs on the Unlink DO Ties window.

Cost Override Option

Indicate if the user can override the cost of products on these line types in Sales Order Entry:

  • Drop ship line, which are also known as direct order lines
  • Special order lines
  • Both drop ship and special order lines
  • All line types

If a value is selected in the Product Type Cost Override field, this option pertains to non-labor products only. If the Product Type Cost Override field is blank, this option pertains to both labor and non-labor products. The Product Type Cost Override field is located on this page.

Use this option in conjunction with the Allow User to View Costs field in SA Operator Setup-Controls.

This table outlines the interactions between the two security settings:

View Costs setting Cost Override setting Result
No Do Not Allow Cost Overrides Cannot view or enter costs.
No Drop Ship Only Cannot view costs. Can enter costs on sales direct order lines.
No Special Orders Only Cannot view costs. Can enter costs on sales special order lines. Cat Stocking
No Both Specials and Drop Ship Cannot view costs. Can enter costs on both sales direct order lines and special order lines.
Yes Do Not Allow Cost Overrides Can view costs. Can only enter costs on purchase order lines.
Yes Drop Ship Only Can view costs. Can enter costs on purchase the operator to see optional products in
Yes Special Orders Only Can view costs. Can enter costs on purchase order lines and on sales direct order lines. Can view costs. Can enter costs on purchase order lines and on sales special order lines.
Yes Both Specials and Drop Ship Can view costs. Can enter costs on purchase order lines and both sales direct order and special order lines.
Yes Any Type Can view costs. Can enter costs on purchase order lines and all sales lines.

If the cost is overridden, the GL cost is recalculated using the current cost assigned in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. If the cost is not overridden, the cost is recalculated to the current product cost by the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.

The value in this field can be systematically updated, depending on the value in the View Cost Type Override field on the Controls tab. When Average, Standard, Replacement, or Last is selected, cost overrides are not allowed.

Display Optional Products

Select Yes to allow the user to see optional products in Sales Order Entry.

Limit Order Type
Use this field to limit the operator to specific types of orders in Sales Order Entry. Select the option to limit the operator to those types of orders. Only the selected types are selections for the operator when entering orders. Clear all of the order type check boxes to set no limits and allow the operator to select from all available order types.
Note:  The descriptions for the Stock Order and Counter Sale order types can be changed in SA Table Code Value Setup. You can create an Order Type Display record to specify the text you want to display for Counter Sale and Stock Order order types in all instances in the application.
Product Type Cost Override

Indicate if the user can override the cost of labor products on these line types in Sales Order Entry:

  • Drop ship line, which are also known as direct order lines
  • Special order lines
  • Both drop ship and special order lines
  • All line types

A user that can change the cost of a labor product, based on the Product Type Cost Override field, has access to these components in Sales Order Entry:

  • Cost field on the Advanced Line Entry page
  • Costing Worksheet page, which is accessed from the Edit Lines page

If you select a value in the Product Type Cost Override field, the cost change allowances that are controlled by the Cost Override Option field apply to non-labor products only. The Cost Override Option is located on this page.

Use this option in conjunction with the Allow User to View Costs field in SA Operator Setup-Controls.

Quantity Ship Override Option

When orders are force shipped, the operator can inadvertently inflate inventory amounts Force shipping generates a transaction to increase inventory if there is not enough to fill the forced shipment. If an operator overrides the ship quantity in Sales Order Entry, the ship quantity that is specified is accepted even if there is not enough product available.

This option determines if the operator can increase or decrease, only decrease, or make no changes to the shipped quantity for products in Sales Order Entry.

Note:  If an operator does not have the security to override the quantity shipped, and the quantity shipped is equal to the quantity ordered, the operator can create a direct line. If the operator selects another disposition on the Sourcing window, an error occurs.
Sales Rep Override Option

Indicate if the operator can change the inside and outside sales representatives in Sales Order Entry.

OE/PO Entry Options

Allow Entry of NCNR Field

Indicate if the operator can change the NCNR (non-cancellable, non-returnable) option for a product on a Stock Order (SO), Return Merchandise (RM) order or return line in Sales Entry Order or Purchase Entry Order.

If a product is set up in Product Setup as an NCNR product, the NCNR option is selected by default during entry. If the product is not set up as NCNR, the NCNR option is blank. In either case, the operator cannot change the option during order entry unless Yes is selected. Clearing the NCNR option during order entry does not update the NCNR field in Product Catalog Setup or Product Warehouse Product Setup.

Select Yes only for those operators who can authorize the entry or return of a product designated as NCNR. If No is selected, an order or order line for an NCNR product cannot be canceled as Lost Business, unless it is in Stage 0 (Entered) or Stage 1 (Ordered).

Allow Entry of Non-Stocks

Indicate if the operator can add nonstock products to an order in Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, and Transfer Entry.

If you select Yes, check the Order or WT Required when Nonstock Entered on PO option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults to determine if you should apply further restrictions.

Allow Non-Stock Commission Type

Indicate if the operator can change the commission type for nonstocks in Sales Order Entry. If you select No, the commission type is displayed, but the operator cannot access the field.

Order Entry Amount Hold
Specify values in minimum and maximum fields for direct orders (DO) , and stock orders and blanket release orders (SO/BR), to automatically place an order on hold if the value of the order is less than or greater than the specified amounts. The hold code that is assigned to the order is set up in the Approval Type for Amount Hold field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process. If you leave the value at 0.00, the parameter is not included in the order approval check.
Note: This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Order Entry Margin Amount Hold
Specify values in minimum and maximum fields for direct orders (DO), and stock orders and blanket release orders (SO/BR), to automatically place an order on hold if the total margin amount of the order is less than or greater than the specified amounts. The hold code that is assigned to the order is set up in the Margin Hold field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process. If you leave the value at 0.00, the parameter is not included in the order approval check.
Note: This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Order Entry Margin % Hold
Specify values in minimum and maximum fields for direct orders (DO), and stock orders and blanket release orders (SO/BR), to automatically place an order on hold if the margin percent value of the order is less than or greater than the specified percent. The hold code that is assigned to the order is set up in the Margin Hold field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process. If you leave the value at 0.00, the parameter is not included in the order approval check.
Note: This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Note:  If you select Apply Margin Hold to Quotes in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process, quote orders are subject to the margin percent values that are specified in the SO/BR fields. Quotes that do not meet the margin percent value are placed on hold and assigned the margin hold code.
PO/WT Ties

This option determines if the operator can tie a purchase order or warehouse transfer to sales order lines, or stock or nonstock components on build-on-demand (BOD) kits or nonstock kits in Sales Order Entry. This option also determines if the operator can enter direct orders.

If you allow entry of warehouse transfer ties, the operator can specify the quantity ordered and the order type in the Supersedes window to create a warehouse transfer for superseded product. If you do not allow warehouse ties, the Supersedes window is not accessible even if superseded product has net availability in another warehouse.

Price/Discount Info

Indicate if the operator can enter or only view the prices and discounts in Sales Order Entry, Sales Order Inquiry, and the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report. You can also prevent the operator from viewing prices and discounts.

If an operator changes prices on sales order line, margins are affected. You should discourage these price changes or monitor them closely. If the cost is changed on the sales order line, General Ledger and Inventory Control is updated incorrectly, which causes inventory to be out of balance.

Note:  If you select Do Not Allow Either, the operator can still view prices and costs in Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry. To restrict an operator from viewing this inquiry, set the operator function security for Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry to no access.
Purchase Order Amount Hold

Specify values in minimum and maximum fields for direct orders (DO), and purchase orders and blanket release orders (PO/BR), to automatically place an order on hold if the value of the order is less than or greater than the specified amounts. The hold code that is assigned to the order is set up in the Approval Type for Amount Hold field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults. If you leave the value at 0.00, the parameter is not included in the order approval check.

This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Note:  The PO/BR value is not checked again if a PO is backordered. If the backorder is changed, the amount is checked and the PO may go on hold at that time.
Require Entry of Taken By

This setting can be used alone or in conjunction with Validate Taken By in OE setting. These settings are typically used in a counter sale environment where several operators share the same work station. An operator is set up for a cash drawer. Each day’s session for this cash drawer is started with this operator. Each time an order is created, the operator is required to enter the initials of operator with a SA Operator Setup record. A password may also be required. These settings also provide security in environments where customers and other unauthorized personnel have access to work stations.

If Yes is selected for Require Entry of Taken By and No is selected for Validate Taken By in OE, the operator is required to provide valid user initials in the Verify User Login window before creating an order in Sales Order Entry. The initials are validated against SA Operator Setup records and update the Order Taken By field in Customer Order Settings. The initials in the Order Taken By field can be overridden, but they are not validated against SA Operator Setup records if changed.

If Yes is selected for Require Entry of Taken By and Validate Taken By in OE, the operator must provide a user initials and password, which are validated against SA Operator Setup records. If the initials in the Order Taken By field are changed, a valid user must be specified or an error occurs.

Both settings are only applicable in Create mode. They do not apply when an order is maintained.

Note:  If you select Cash, Charging by Account, or Force Entry for the Tendering Type setting on the operator's record, you must select Yes for this option.
Tendering Type

Indicate the default tendering method for sales orders for this operator. If you select Cash, Charging by Account or Force Entry, you must select Yes for the Require Entry of Taken By option. If you select Customer Default, the tendering method from the Sales Order Status field on Customer Setup-Credit record is used as the default setting.

Use Previous Non-Stock Settings

Indicate if nonstock information, based on previously entered nonstocks, should automatically display in the Nonstock window in Sales Order Entry. When you select this option, this logic is applied when determining what default information to use in Sales Order Entry:

  • If a default product category is specified for nonstock products in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, that product category is used as the default for the sales order line, regardless of the product category on the most recent product.
  • If a product category is specified on the Nonstock window, it is used and the default data is not retrieved.
  • If there is an active nonstock product in Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry, the product category from the most recently received nonstock product is used. The Posting Date on the nonstock receipt is used to determine the most recent nonstock receipt.
  • If only inactive nonstock records exist, the product category from the most recently received inactive nonstock product is used.
Validate Taken By in OE

This setting can be used alone or in conjunction with the Require Entry of Taken By setting.

If Yes is selected for Validate Taken By in OE and No is selected for Require Entry of Taken By, the initials specified in the Order Taken By field in Customer Order Settings in Sales Order Entry are validated against SA Operator Setup records. If the initials in the Order Taken By field are changed, a valid user must be specified or an error occurs.

If Yes is specified for Validate Taken By in OE and Require Entry of Taken By, then the operator is required to provide valid user initials and a password in the Verify User Login window before creating an order in Sales Order Entry. The initials and password are validated against SA Operator Setup records. The initials that are specified update the Order Taken By field in Customer Order Settings. The initials can be overridden but if they are changed, a valid user must be specified or an error occurs.

Both settings are only applicable in Create mode. They do not apply when an order is maintained.

OE Entry Options

Allow Access to Gift Card Balance

Select this option to enable this operator to view the balance of a customer’s gift card. This option is available only if you have enabled gift card processing with the CenPOS credit card integration. If this option is selected, the operator can access the CenPOS Gift Balance option from the More () menu in Sales Order Entry-Initiate. This launches an inquiry with CenPOS to display and print the balance remaining on the gift card.

Allow Access to Maintain Cust PO#

Indicate if the operator can access the Maintain Customer PO function in Sales Order Entry. Typically, you cannot maintain an order after it is shipped (Stage 3). If Yes is selected, the operator can change the Customer PO number. The order invoice can then be reprinted and submitted to the customer with the correct PO number.

Allow Access to WT Billed Orders List

Indicate if the operator can access the Warehouse Transfer Billing Orders inquiry in Sales Order Entry. The WT Billing Orders option is only available if you use 3PL functionality.

Allow Activation of Gift Card

Select this option to enable this operator to activate a purchased gift card on a regular Stock Order (SO). This option is available only if you have enabled gift card processing with the CenPOS credit card integration.

Note: This setting is not required if the operator sells a gift card on a Counter Sale (CS) order. It is assumed that operators who are able to perform CS orders should also be able to sell and activate gift cards at the counter.
Allow Change of Order Origin Code

Indicate if the operator can change the Origin Code in Sales Order Entry-Maintain or Sales Order Entry-Copy for sales orders that are in stages 1-3 (Ordered through Shipped).

The default Origin Code value is based on the SA Table Code Value Setup-Origin Code records, but can be overridden if these conditions are met:

  • Yes is selected for this option
  • The Allow Editing in Order Entry option is selected in SA Table Code Value Setup
Allow Entry of Sales Warehouse

Select Yes to enable the user to specify a sales warehouse on an order. The user can specify a sales warehouse when an order is created or copied in Sales Order Entry or created in Sales Blanket Release Entry. The Sales Warehouse field is only available if the Sales Warehouse feature is activated in SA Administrator Options.

Allow Maintenance of Product Certificates
Indicates whether the operator is allowed to maintain the product certificates and the types of documents to be printed or emailed on the Sales Order Entry-Advanced Line Entry screen.
Allow Override of Line Type

Indicate if the operator can change the line type. Lines can be changed to any of these three types: nonstock, stock, or special. Lines for order-as-needed (OAN) products cannot be changed from special to stock.

Note:  If the line type is changed, the line is deleted and re-added by the system, which results in forfeiture of the audit trail for the line.

If No is selected, the operator can change a nonstock line to a stock or special line and, under specific conditions, a stock line to a special line.

A nonstock line that was added to an order can be changed, either manually or through EDI, under these conditions:

  • The order was accessed in maintain mode
  • The line is a nonstock only and has not been backordered
  • The order has not yet advanced to printed stage
  • The order is not a backorder
Allow Override of Int'l Approval Status

Indicate if the operator can approve international holds in Sales Order Entry.

Allow Override of Order Approval Status
Indicate if the operator can manually override the approval flag on sales and purchase orders, including approving sales orders or taking a sales or purchase order off hold status.
Note: The Approval option may be hidden and require activation in Sales Order Entry or Purchase Order Entry using Personalization.
A sales order can be placed on hold if the customer has exceeded their credit limit or their sales order status. Because of possible credit ramifications, this override ability is secured. A sales or purchase order can also be put on hold when you use operator-level amount and margin checks, and the order exceeds the limits set up in the OE/PO Entry Options section.
Note: This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Allow Override of Orig Promise Date

Indicate if the operator can change the Original Promise Date on a sales order header or line in Sales Order Entry in the Maintain mode.

The Original Promise Date on the order header and line is the same as the Promise Date. Both are calculated based on these settings:

  • Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings
  • End of Day Cutoff and weekend shipment options in Product Warehouse Description Setup

If you select Yes for this option, the operator can change the Original Promise Date on these windows when the sales order is accessed in Maintain mode:

  • Maintain
  • Customer Order Settings
  • Advanced Line Entry, including Extended Fields section
Note:  The Original Promise Date is not displayed on the listed windows by default. You must use the Personalization feature to add the field to the user interface. Regardless, the Original Promise Date is always stored on the order header and order line and can be viewed in Sales Order Inquiry.

After the Original Promise Date is changed, the Promise Date is updated to match it. If the Original Promise Date on a line is changed, the Promise Date for only that line is updated.

If you select No, the Original Promise Date can be changed only when the order is created, if the operator has the security to enter a sales order. The operator cannot change the value in the Maintain mode.

If the order has a disposition of Just In Time (JIT), a change to the Original Promise Date on a line is also applied to these fields:

  • Promise Date on the line
  • Promise Date and Original Promise Date on the order header

If the Original Promise Date is changed on the header, this message is displayed:

Flush Required Ship, Promised, And Orig Promised Dates

The operator can then apply the date change to all lines, lines that equal the original, or no lines.

The Promise Date, not the Original Promise Date, is used to determine when a pick ticket prints and the order is shipped.

Allow Reassign Customer/Ship To

Select this option to allow the user to access the Reassign Customer/Ship To window in Sales Order Entry. The Reassign Customer/Ship To option is available from the Sales Order Entry - Header Information window, or the More (…) menu in a selected order.

Allowed To Use Order Fulfillment

Select one of these options to determine if the user can create, modify, and submit fulfillment orders in Sales Order Entry:

  • Allowed - No Override of Rules Selection: The user can create and submit fulfillment orders.
  • Allowed - With Override of Rules Selection: The user can create and submit fulfillment orders, and perform these actions:
    • Change the warehouse selection
    • Override the fulfillment rules
    • Change the allocated quantity
  • Not Allowed: The user cannot create or submit fulfillment orders.

This setting does not affect user security for Sales Order Fulfillment Inquiry.

Device Location

If you installed a scanner device, you can scan a credit card during tendering and, optionally, capture a signature. You can use the device to capture a receipt signature. You can also scan a debit card and use PIN (personal identification number) entry. This data is stored and controlled by CenPOS. Some setup is required for the CenPOS Virtual Terminal Bridge connection and for the scanner and signature capture device.

The CenPOS integration uses the IP address to support additional Virtual Terminal Bridge connection methods for multiple scanner devices. Use SA Table Code Value Setup to establish the Device Location type and associate the device with an IP Address. Create a record for each scanner device. Then, for each operator that will use the device, specify the scanner device that the operator uses during tendering in this field.

Limit Managed Hold Codes

Use this field to limit the hold codes that the operator can change or enter. To restrict the operator to specific company-defined hold codes, specify the hold codes, separated by commas. For example, if you specify d,m,s, the operator can only enter those hold codes in the Approval field in Sales Order Entry, Sales Credit Release Inquiry, or Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.

If the Limited Managed Hold Codes field is not blank and Yes is selected in Allow Override of Order Approval Status, then the operator can specify Yes and any hold code from the field. The edit against the list of hold codes is applied using the Approval field in Sales Order Entry, Sales Credit Release Inquiry, or Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. The operator must also meet the requirements of the Limit Order Scope fields before gaining access to the Approval field.

When the operator accesses Sales Credit Release Inquiry, only orders with a hold code that matches one of the codes in the Limit Managed Hold Codes field are displayed.

Note: This field is for use with legacy hold codes only. If you use operational hold codes, hold code security is set up on the Other Options tab.
Limit Order Scope Sales Rep

Use this field to limit the operator’s access to the Approval field in Sales Order Entry, Sales Credit Release Inquiry, or Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, based on whether the operator is the internal or external sales representative on the sales order.

Additionally, you can limit access to the Sales Representative Internal and Sales Representative External fields. Use the Sales Rep Override Option to prevent the operator from changing the internal or external sales representative on sales orders to gain access to the Approval field.

Limit Order Scope Taken By

Use this field to limit an operator’s access to the Approval field in Sales Order Entry, Sales Credit Release Inquiry, or Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, based on whether the operator is the Taken By operator on the sales order. The Taken By field in Sales Order Entry is not accessible if Yes is selected for this option.

Modify Tokenized Card

Select Yes to grant customer service representative-level operators the ability to modify a limited amount of token information from Sales Order Entry.

Storefront User ID

This field is hidden by default. If you use Distribution Storefront and intend to implement the sales order punchout to Storeroom, add the Storefront User ID field using the Personalization feature. Specify this value before you launch Storefront in Sales Order Entry. You must also specify the Storefront URL in SA Administrator Options-System-General.

Require Drawer ID
This field is available if you have activated the cash drawer management feature in SA Administration-Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings. Select Yes to require this operator to enter the Drawer ID in Sales Order Entry-Collect Payment or Sales Order Entry-Receive On Account. If a drawer ID is not specified, an error is displayed: Drawer ID - Required.

If you use a third-party retail management system or point-of-sale system, you must require that the operator enters the Drawer ID value in the system. Alternatively, you may require that the ID is automatically recorded at login. Otherwise, if the drawer ID value is not sent with the SX.API call, then the SX.API call is rejected. In the case of the SX.API call, sxapiOEFullordermaintV6, no order is created. In the case of the SX.API call, sxapiOEorderchange, no updates are applied.

WL Pick Type on CS Orders

Use this option to select the default value for the WL Pick Type field on counter sale (CS) orders in Sales Order Entry for products in a TWL warehouse.

Select one of these values:

  • Blank: No default value.
  • Counter: The product is automatically picked from the counter zone when the order is dropped.
  • Warehouse: A standard pick request is created for the product in the warehouse and brought to the counter area.
Note: You must use the Personalization feature to add the WL Pick Type field to the Line or Extended section.

Other Entry Options

Allow Bid Unlock and Revision

Indicate if the operator can unlock and revise bids.

Allow Bin Loc Entry in NS Adj

Indicate if the operator can adjust the bin location for nonstock products in Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry even with a security level of 2 (Inquiry Only) for this function. Select Yes to enable the operator to change the value in the Default Bin Location field. The operator cannot make any other adjustments in this function.

Allow Cancel on BO Lines in VA IN Section

Indicate if the operator can cancel backorder lines in VA IN sections, which allows changes to the quantity or type of stock sent to VA fabricators and permits the receipt of the full quantity of the fabricated product.

Allow Chg/Copy of ICSW Status for OAN-NS

Indicate if this operator can perform these actions:

  • Change the status of a product from Stock, DNR, or Order-As-Needed (OAN) to Order-As Needed-Nonstock (OAN-NS)
  • Change the status of a product from OAN-NS product to Stock, DNR, Direct Order, or OAN
  • Copy an OAN-NS product to a new warehouse

The operator can update the Status field in Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry.

Allow KP Prev Version Change in Setup

Indicate if the operator can maintain previous versions of KP product setups.

Allow KP Prev Version Use in Entry

Indicate if the operator can use a previous version of a KP product setup to create an order in KP Work Order Center Entry.

Allow OAN Catalog Stocking in OE

Indicate if the operator can convert catalog products to Order-As-Needed stocked or Order-As-Needed - Nonstock products in Sales Order Entry. The catalog product must first be set up in Product Catalog Setup.

If you select Yes, but No is selected for Allow Entry of Nonstocks, this message is displayed when the operator enters a catalog product as a nonstock in Sales Order Entry:

Operator Security Prohibits Non-Stock Product Entry (1122) 

The operator can then create a stock product, or click Cancel to cancel the line item.

If Yes is selected in the Allow OAN Catalog Stocking in OE field and Do Not Allow OAN-NS Stocking is selected in the OAN-NS Stocking in OE from Catalog field, the operator can convert catalog products to Order-As-Needed types only.

If Yes is selected in the Allow OAN Catalog Stocking in OE field and Allow OAN-NS Stocking from Catalog is selected in the OAN-NS Stocking in OE from Catalog field, the operator can enter Order-As-Needed catalog products in Sales Order Entry as nonstock products (OAN-NS).

If Catalog Stocked is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, the operator can convert nonstock products to stock products in Sales Order Entry.

Allow OAN-NS Stocking From Quotes

Select Yes to allow the operator to create an order-as-needed nonstock (OAN-NS) product on the Non-Stock window on a quote order in Sales Order Entry. If the operator selects Nonstock as the line type, Create As Order as Needed Non-Stock can be selected in the Item Type field on the Non-Stock window.

Allow PO Entry of Non-Sale Items

Indicate if the operator can enter a purchase order containing items for internal use only and not for resale.

Allow PO Receiving Corrections

Indicate if the operator can enter corrections in PO Receipt of Inventory Entry on purchase orders where the incorrect quantity or product was received. If Yes is selected, the operator can select Rcvd-Cstd (PO Correction) in the Stage field in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry and post a correction receipt.

Allow Update to Printer PO From JMEC

Indicate if the operator can update a printed PO.

If Yes is selected, all changes may not occur automatically. If manual updates are required, this message is displayed:

Warning: Unable to Update Printed PO. Manual Updates are Necessary. See Error Messages for Details.

If No is selected, this message is displayed when if the operator attempts to update a printed PO:

PO/WT has been printed; adjust manually (5844).

If the operator attempts to add a line to a printed PO, the line is added to a purchase order that is not printed. If all POs are printed, a new purchase order is created.

Allow VA Auto Ship From Receiving

Indicate if the operator can ship unshipped IN sections in VA Receipt of Inventory Entry. The IN section must have full quantity to ship from VA Receipt of Inventory Entry, because backorder logic is not run when IN sections are shipped. The operator is prompted to auto ship if there are any open IN sections that have a sequence number less than the first open IT or IS section.

Allow VA Prev Version Change in Setup Prod

Indicate if the operator can maintain previous versions of VA product setups created in VA Product Default Setup.

Allow VA Prev Version Use in Entry

Indicate if the operator can use a previous version of a VA product setup from VA Product Defaults Setup to create a VA order.

Approval Whse

Specify the four character name of the warehouse for which the operator can approve warehouse transfers in Transfer Entry and Transfer Approve Transfer Inquiry.

Specify an asterisk (*) to enable the operator to approve warehouse transfers for all warehouses. If this field is left blank, an operator can enter warehouse transfers, but cannot control if the warehouse transfers reserve inventory. Generally, this field should be left blank except for operators with the authority to reserve stock, such as branch managers.

Typically, all warehouse transfers are entered with a requested status. The shipping warehouse has the option to approve or disapprove the warehouse transfer before it affects their inventory, depending on the Approval Type option in the Warehouse Transfer section of Product Warehouse Description Setup-Extended.

Catalog Stocking in IC

Use this setting to allow the operator to create inventory records, based on default settings from an existing Product Catalog Setup record. The inventory records are created in Product Warehouse Product Setup and Product Setup.

Select one of these options to determine from which function the inventory records can be created:

  • Allowed on Create if Product/Warehouse record

    The operator can create a record in Product Warehouse Product Setup, based on the catalog product. The Product Setup record is created automatically.

  • Allowed in Order Entry Create Item from Catalog

    The operator can create both Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup records under these conditions:

    • When an catalog product is entered as a line item in Sales Order Entry
    • When a quick quote for a catalog product is entered in Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry

    If a sales order is received electronically through an sxapiOEFullOrderMnt call, inventory records for stock products are created automatically if these conditions are met:

    • An Order Processing Rules for SXAPI business rule is set up to enable the creation of stock product records from catalog records.
    • Allowed in Order Entry Create Item from Catalog is selected for the operator identified on the sxapiOEFullOrderMnt call.
  • Allow use of the Cat Item in Both Prod/Whse and OE

    Select this option to allow the operator to create inventory records in Product Warehouse Product Setup, Sales Order Entry, and Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry.

  • Not Allowed in Either Product/Warehouse or Order Entry or Blank

    Select one of these values to prevent creation of warehouse product records without an existing Product Setup record, regardless if there is a catalog record.

We recommend that you select an Allow option only for those operators who are permitted to create all types of inventory records, as there is no further restriction on the type of records they can create.

Configurator Access Code

Select Value Add to enable the operator to access the product configurator, Infor CPQ, from VA Order Entry.

Default to VA Section Lines After Section Entry

Indicate if the Line Item view should open after creating a section on a Value Add order.


Select the types of source documents that the operator can tie to stock components for prebuilt and fabricated kits in KP Work Order Center Entry. Components can be tied to purchase orders, warehouse transfers, or both. The operator can also be prohibited from entering ties.

OAN-NS Stocking in OE From Catalog

Indicate if this operator can create an Order-As-Needed - Nonstock product (OAN-NS) from a catalog, nonstock product, or both in Sales Order Entry. Depending on your selection, the operator can select Create As OAN-NS or Create As Catalog (with an OAN-NS status) in the Item Type field in the Non-Stock window of Sales Order Entry.

Note: This option is only applicable if Yes is selected in the Allow Entry of Non-Stocks field in the OE/PO Entry Options section.

This option, in conjunction with the Allow OAN Catalog Stocking in OE option, determines if the operator can convert a catalog product to an OAN or OAN-NS. If Do Not Allow OAN-NS Stocking is selected in theOAN-NS Stocking in OE From Catalog field and Yes is selected in the Allow OAN Catalog Stocking in OE field , the operator can only select Order as Needed as the Status type.

If Allow OAN-NS Stocking From Catalog or Allow OAN-NS Stocking Both Cat/NS) is selected in the OAN-NS Stocking in OE From Catalog field and No is selected in the OAN Catalog Stocking in OE field, and the operator selects Yes to Create Catalog Product in Inventory, the operator can only select Order as Needed - Nonstock as the Status type.

Price Approval in JM

Indicate if the operator can approve job prices, costs, or both before a job is printed or released in Job Management.

Note: You can select Require Price/Cost Approval on Jobs in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Job Management-Processing to require approval of job prices and costs before the job is printed or released.
VA Header Entry Option

This option determines if the header screen of the VA order from VA Order Entry, or from a tied VA order in Sales Order Entry, opens before or after the sections are complete or not be forced into header entry.

Vendor Contract Pricing Access for Purchasing

Specify how you can interact with the list of all vendor contracts. You can determine which users can view, select, and eventually maintain vendor contract records in this list. This access control is used in Purchase Order Entry and Purchase Demand Center Entry screens if the Purchase Order Price Allocation functionality is used. The contract list is displayed only when you select Lowest Price Allocation or Lowest Price Including ARP Warehouses option in the Purchase Order Price Allocation field.

The contracts that are available in the list are valid and can be applied to the item on the purchase order line.

You can use these options to control the interactions with the contract list:

  • Standard: You can see the contract list and, select a contract.
  • Manual: You can manually select a contract with no access to contract list. This is the default value.
  • View Only: You can view the contract list but cannot select a contract.
  • No Access: You cannot view the contract list, search for a contract, or apply a contract to purchase order line.
  • Standard (Include One Time): You can see the contract list, select a contract, and assign a one-time contract. The one-time contract has no validations and doesn't update Vendor Contract records.
Verify Changes to PO/WT in Receiving

Indicate if the operator should be to be prompted when any enterable field for a line item is changed so it does not match the purchase order in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or transfer in Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. A warning message is displayed and re-entry of the line is required before the Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry line item is updated. Use this option to prevents receiving errors that are difficult to correct.