TWL Configuration - TWL Warehouse Zone Setup overview

TWL Configuration > Warehouse Zone

Function acronym: TWLCZ

Use this function to create, maintain, and delete Total Warehouse Logistics (TWL) zone records.

Warehouse zones are divisions of a warehouse into functional areas. You can set up warehouse zones and counter bin locations before your site goes live.

The putaway logic sequentially checks zone names to determine if putaway is allowed and if there is an empty location to store incoming receipts. Parameters can alter this logic based on the selected options.

If pre-live product information is released with WL Initialize Warehouse Administration, the TWL Configuration-Location and TWL Configuration-Warehouse Zone master records are validated. You can attach correct bin locations to the TWL Configuration-Item master record after the record is released.

After TWL is live, location records can be maintained on the TWL side. The following locations are synchronized to the system with the WL Entry Batch Adjust Inventory Report:

  • Full case
  • Split case
  • Counter bin

You can perform these actions on the TWL Warehouse Zone Setup screen:

  • Create a new warehouse zone using the New option.
    Note: You must specify a warehouse in the search panel to enable the New option.
  • Define general specifications of the warehouse like Description and Type.
  • Select zone parameters like First Aisle and Last Aisle.
  • Configure voice interface options to enable voice recognition application integration for TWL warehouse zones.
    Note: The Voice Interface section is displayed when the Activated checkbox is set to checked on the SA Administrator Options - Integrations - Voice Interface Options screen.
  • Use the search panel to filter the grid by warehouse name and warehouse zone.