SA ION Inbox/Outbox Inquiry overview
Function acronym: SAABIOI
Use this page to view business object documents (BODs) that are pending or processed in the ION Connector IOBox, or ION in-box/out-box.
These are BODs sent to ION from Distribution SX.e that are processed through the out-box, and BODs received from ION that are processed in the in-box. Records are created for each BOD sent or received by the IOBox.
You can specify this criteria to limit the BODs that are displayed in the grid:
- Inbound or outbound BODs
- Records for specific BOD ID numbers
- Records with a status of error, open, or processed
- BODs that are processed within a range of dates
Records that meet the selected criteria are displayed in the grid. You can select a record to view detail about that record, including errors, if any, and the XML content of the BOD.
Deleting BODs
SA ION Inbox/Outbox Inquiry stores the records that are created by each inbound and outbound BOD processed in the IOBox.
To manually delete individual BODs, select one or more in the grid and click SA Administration ION Delete Processed I-O Records Report.
. To purge a group of BODs, use theYou can also select Purge Successfully Processed IMS ION Inbox/Outbox BODs in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-ION Interface Options to automatically purge inbound and outbound BOD messages that are processed successfully.
If you do not establish a regular program for purging successfully processed inbound and outbound BODs, they are automatically deleted when you upgrade to a new version of Distribution SX.e. Infor Cloud Operations initiates a conversion program that removes all successfully processed inbound and outbound BOD records older than 7 days, and all BODs, regardless of status, that are older than 60 days.