Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry - Purchase Order Details overview
This window is displayed when you drill down on a purchase order from the Purchase Order Receipt of Inventory Entry grid.
The Header view contains information about the purchase order, including vendor, ship from, purchase order, and addon information. Although most of this information is for inquiry purposes only, you can change the receipt date. You can also indicate what to do with items not received and specify whether this purchase order should affect lead time.If one or more lines on the purchase order was net billed, either Yes or Manual is displayed. If Yes is displayed, the vendor invoice was processed electronically through the SupplierInvoice BOD. If Manual is displayed, the vendor invoice was processed manually in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
The Addons view contains information about purchase order discounts and addons.
Capitalized addon amounts are included with your inventory as an asset and become part of the landed cost of the merchandise you offer for sale.
The Include Addons GL option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. You can update addons and whole order discounts during the receiving process.
field is only available if theYou can modify PO addons in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry except under the these conditions:
- If the PO is a receipt correction, you cannot modify addons.
- If the PO is a RM only. You can modify expensed addons but cannot update capitalized addons.
- At PO receiving, you can modify expensed addons. You cannot update capitalized addons if the Include Addons GL option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs is not selected. When capitalizing, you can modify both expensed and capitalized addons.
- The addons on a VA purchase order are set up to be manually
allocated and can apply to multiple sections. When a Value Add purchase order is
processed, this message is displayed if more than one VA order or section is tied to
the purchase
Multiple VA Sections Exist for Manual Addon Allocation. Manual Screen Will Display When ‘Update’ Is Selected
Line Items
The Line Items view is displayed when you access the Purchase Order Details window. The line items from the purchase order are displayed. You can enter and change the quantity and prices, and other values.
If an item was received with the shipment that was not on the original purchase order, add it by clicking Add New Line Item. You can add a new line item to a purchase order before the purchase order receipt final update is processed. To add lines, your operator security must be set to security level 4 or 5 for Purchase Order Entry. You cannot add a new line to correct a purchase order after the final update process is run. After the final update, you can correct existing lines, but not add new ones.
If you have activated the catch weight functionality, the Actual Total Weight column in the Line Items grid is enterable. A value must be specified in the Actual Total Weight field; otherwise a message is displayed: Actual Weight Must be Entered for All Catch Weight Lines (7193). You cannot continue with receiving this order until this value is specified. The catch weight functionality must be enabled SA Administration-Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, and this product must have been set up as a catch weight product in Product Setup-General. Be aware, when receiving catch weight products, the Unit column is set to read-only. The Unit value must remain consistent between ordering and receiving so that the catch weight calculation can determine the new unit conversion correctly.
Backorder creation is automatically canceled for the line items with the Cancel checkbox selected. You can verify that the backorder does not include the line items with Cancel checkbox selected, on the Purchase Order Inquiry screen.
- The Auto Cancel Remaining Balance checkbox is set to selected in the Receiving Entry section of the SA Administrator Options - Documents - Purchase Orders - Entry Defaults screen.
- A tolerance value is specified in the Auto Cancel Tolerance % field in the Purchase Order Receiving section on the General tab of the Warehouse Product Setup screen.
Click Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry window.
or to cancel the receiving work on the purchase order and return to the main