Sales Order Entry - Advanced Line Entry overview
Use this page to add a single line item to the sales order.
In the Advanced Line Entry mode, you can specify additional information that may be required for processing, such as sourcing, serial or lot number assignment, or pricing changes. Values for the line item that may differ from the order, such as Promise Date and Rush status, are available in the Extended Fields section. You can also review product or shipping restrictions and special handling details for the selected product in the Restrictions section.
In the Tank ID lookup window, the value in the Current Product field defaults to the product specified on the order line, and corresponding tanks are displayed in the list. You can modify the value if needed.
The Tank ID is validated against the specified combination of customer and product. A warning message may be displayed, and the order is processed according to the option selected in the Tank Validation Level field on the SA Administrator Options - Documents - Sales Orders - Processing screen.
If you specify a product on a line and click
before you add the line to the order, these events occur:- The line is added to the order.
- The order is completed.
Depending on the product that you specify on this page, these additional pages may be available:
- Bundles
- Comments
- Correction
- Cross Reference
- Customer Product
- EDI Errors and Exceptions
- Fabricated Kit Information
- Kits
- Lots
- Manual Rebate
- Non-stock
- Pricing
- Product Certificates
- Rebate
- Returns
- Serials
- Sourcing
- Substitutes
- Supersedes
- Tallies
- Tax Jurisdiction
- Warehouse Availability
- Warehouse Manager