SA Audit System Administration overview
Function acronym: AUDIT
Use this page to inquire and view the audit results from Data Lake repository. The audit results are displayed based on the batches that are defined on the SA Data Lake Audit setup screen and the reports generated on the SA Datalake Import for Audit Report screen.
Batch Name: Select a batch name to limit the audit results for that batch. This field contains a list of batch names that are defined on the SA Data Lake Audit setup screen. This is a mandatory field.
- Table Name: Select a table name to limit the audit results for that table. This field contains a list of tables that are defined on the SA Data Lake Audit setup screen for the selected batch name.
- Operator: Select an operator to limit the audit results modified by that operator.
- Date From: Select a date to limit the audit results from that date.
- Date To: Select a date to limit the audit results until that date.
- Record Limit: Specify the number of records to retrieve from the Data Lake repository.
Primary Key Search Criteria
This section displays the list of primary key search criteria if you specify the Table Name in the search panel.
Audit Search Results
This section displays the list of audit results for the search criteria that you specify in the Search panel.
- Audit Date: The date on which the audit is performed.
- Table Name: The name of the table that is modified.
- Time: The time when the audit is performed.
- Operator: The operator who made the changes.
- Process: The name of the process.
- Changes: The description of changes
happened to the fields of the corresponding table.Note: You can select a search result and click to view the detailed information of the changes in the fields and stack trace.
- Record Key: The technical information of the record.
- Notes: The additional information about the audit result.