Vendor Inquiry - Overview overview
Use this page to view the complete information of the vendor.
The vendor information is grouped in collapsible sections, that contain data from other tabs and screens. The information is presented in standard static fields, key performance indicator (KPI) charts, and other visual components. The different sections that you can view for a vendor are Vendor Performance and AP Overview.
- The details of the vendor that are defined in the Infor Document Management (IDM)
application using the vendor images template:
- Logo: Uploaded to the Files tab.
- Social media URLs: Defined on the Attributes tab for LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook pages.
- Company details: Name, address, contact number, and location URL defined on the Vendor Setup screen.
- The status and type of the vendor.
- The links for the KPIs as follows:
- Last PO #: Allows you to access the Overview tab of the Purchase Order Inquiry screen.
- Last PO Date: Allows you to access the Purchase Orders tab of the Vendor Inquiry screen with that date filled in the Additional Search section.
- Last Inv Date: Allows you to access the Transactions tab of the Vendor Inquiry screen with that date filled in the Additional Search section.
- The metric details of the vendor:
- On Order Balance
- Last PO Amount
- Rebate Due
Vendor Performance
This section shows the performance of a vendor through the colored bar charts of the rebates, returns, and sales for the current Year To Date (YTD) and Last Year To Date (LYTD). You can hover over the bar to view numeric data values.
- # of POs: Total number of purchase orders created for the vendor.
- # of POs Late: Total number of purchase orders that are delayed for the vendor.
- RMA Balance: Return Merchandise Authorization balance for the vendor.
- Set the Update Sales Manager checkbox to checked on the Ordering tab of the Vendor Setup screen.
- Run the OE Entry Processing Sales Manager Update report.
AP Overview
This section provides an overview of accounts payable information for a vendor through colored bar charts of the invoices processed, payments made, and discounts taken for the current Year To Date (YTD) and Last Year To Date (LYTD). You can hover over the bar to view numeric data values.
You can also view the periodic balances for the four periods that are defined on the SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Balances-Inquiry Aging Periods screen, along with the preceding older period. When you click the links of each periodic balance, the Transactions tab of the Vendor Inquiry screen is displayed with that period filled in the Additional Search section.
The Periodic Sales By Vendor grid displays the periodical sales for YTD and LYTD in tabular format. Sales details include units sold, net sales, discounts, and cost. You can use grid features such as filtering and .