SA Administrator Options - Documents - Purchase Orders - Entry Defaults field descriptions

The fields are listed in alphabetical order within each section.

PO Entry

Allow Auto Vendor Reprice

Select this option to activate the automatic purchase order repricing feature.

Approval Type For Amount Hold
If you use the operator-level settings to approve purchase orders, specify a hold value to assign if the purchase order is outside the amount limits. Do not specify the letter y because it indicates approval.
Note: This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

For use with domestic vendors. Select which cost to use as the default setting for the price of a product in Purchase Order Entry. Both the last cost and replacement cost are derived from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

Foreign Cost

For use with foreign vendors. Select which cost to use as the default setting for the price of a product in a purchase order. Both the last cost and replacement cost are derived from the Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs record.

Select Use Last Cost During Entry to use the value specified in the Last Foreign Cost field in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs. The value in this field is the last foreign cost at which this product was purchased or received. It is routinely updated and overwritten during PO receiving, AP costing, or product import.

Select Use Replacement Cost During Entry to use the value specified in the Foreign Replacement Cost field in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs.

The Foreign Replacement Cost field is similar to the Last Foreign Cost field, but is not automatically updated or overwritten during PO receiving, AP costing, or product import. The Foreign Replacement Cost field value does not change unless you manually change it. This cost is stored in the foreign currency of the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) vendor.
Note: A vendor is considered a foreign vendor if the Currency field on the Vendor Setup-General-Settings-Currency record is specified. If no currency is specified, the vendor has the same currency as the distributor and is considered a domestic vendor by the system. Be aware that, in the context of tariffs, a foreign vendor is not defined by currency, but by the source of the product. The Country of Origin (COO) is a product-specific code. It specifies the country where a product was manufactured, produced, or grown. The COO can then be associated with an HS Code (Tariff Code) and used with purchasing and accounts payable functions. HS Codes are set up in SA Tariff Rates Setup. The COO and HS Code can be assigned in product, catalog, product line, and product warehouse setups. If you purchase products from a foreign vendor, there may be a tariff assessed with the product during import. The tariff is not related to the replacement cost.
Order or WT Required When Nonstock Item Entered on PO

Select this value to require an existing order or warehouse transfer when you specify a nonstock product on a purchase order.

Nonstock products are products you do not regularly carry in your inventory. Typically, when a customer places an order for a nonstock product, you must order it from your vendor or another warehouse. This should be the standard method of processing nonstocks.

You should not order nonstock products from your vendor or warehouse unless you have an existing order from a customer or transfer from another warehouse. This prevents carrying extra inventory that may never sell or losing track of the nonstock products in the warehouse. This is possible because nonstock records are incomplete or do not exist. The inventory objective is to prevent stocking nonproductive inventory with a minimum risk to sales.

Receiving Entry

Auto Cancel Remaining Balance
Select this checkbox to automatically cancel the creation of backorder when the received quantity of a purchase order is less than the order quantity, and the percentage of difference is within the value specified in the Auto Cancel Tolerance % field in the Purchase Order Receiving section on the General tab of the Warehouse Product Setup screen.
Block PO-RM Receiving Before Tied OE-RM Is Invoiced
Select this option to require that a return merchandise sales order (OE RM) is invoiced before a tied a return merchandise purchase order (PO RM) is received. This prevents unnecessary stock adjustments.
Default to 'All' Pricing During Receiving

If you select this option, the price is displayed as an extended amount (all) in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. If this option is blank, cost is displayed as a unit amount.

This table shows the cost process:

Each All
Quantity 10 10
Unit Case Case
Cost $50.00 $500.00
Cost equals 1 case 10 cases

If you select this option, the price is initially divided by the quantity. It is converted to the stocking unit with the correct unit conversion factor. Then it is used to recalculate the average cost and update the last cost in Product Maintain Balances Entry. If the product is a special pricing product, the average and last costs are updated based on the special pricing unit. With a special pricing product, the cost is divided by the quantity and converted to the stocking unit. It is also converted to the special pricing unit with the correct unit conversion factor.

If you select this option, the price is also shown as an extended amount when adding a line to the purchase order in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry-Add Item to Receipt.

Force Entry of Quantity Received During Receiving

In Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, you can manually specify the quantity for each line received or automatically display all lines and the quantities initially entered.

Select this option to hide the quantity initially ordered. You are required to specify a quantity. This can expedite partial receipts because you only specify the quantity on the line items that are received. If you have a purchase order that has a majority of lines which were filled, you can click Full Receipt to automatically default the quantity ordered into the quantity received.

If you do not select this option, you can override the quantity initially ordered if it differs from the quantity received.

Force Entry of Receiver # During Receiving

If you select this option, the expected receipt values are derived from the receiver number assigned in the Purchase Pre-Receiving Report.

  • Company number
  • Warehouse
  • Receiver number
  • Operator initials
  • Transaction date and time
  • Expected and actual values for the number of lines on the purchase order
  • Buying quantity

If an existing receiver number is assigned in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, the expected and actual values are derived from the receiver record. You must adjust the expected value for the purchase order to be received.

If you do not select this option and a new receiver number is assigned in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, the expected values are zero. You must specify them. The actual values equal whatever is on the purchase order to be received.

If an existing receiver number is assigned in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, the expected values are derived from the receiver record and must be adjusted for the purchase order to be received. The actual values are the sum of the receiver record and what is on the purchase order you are receiving.

In either case, the actual values are updated when you perform the final update in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. If the purchase order is partially received and the receiver number is changed, the actual values reflect:

  • The partially received amount when this option is selected.
  • The adjusted lines when this option is not selected.

If you change the status of this option from clear to selected, this message is displayed: Loading Receipt # on PO's Without Receipt #'s. Please Wait...'

Percent of Price Variance to Print on the Exception Report

When you enter a purchase order, the replacement or last cost is used as the price. When you receive the purchase order, the price of the product may have increased or decreased. If there is a difference, the line item prints on the Purchase Exceptions Report. You can suppress printing these line items depending on the actual price difference. Indicate the acceptable variance percentage in this field. If the price received is within this variance, the line item is not printed on the Purchase Exceptions Report. If the price difference is greater than the variance, it prints on the report.

Receipt Correction Return Reason

Select a return reason to use when entering PO receiving corrections in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. Return reasons are defined in SA Table Code Value Setup-Return/Adjust Reason. This return reason is assigned automatically to PO RMs that are generated when you enter a PO correction that reduces the quantity posted during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. The RM transaction is to reduce the effect on inventory.

A return reason must be specified in this field before receipt corrections are updated. If you do not enter reason codes, you receive an error.

Require PO Batch Data To Be Set As Received

This option determines which purchase orders are displayed in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. Select this option to only display purchase orders that are marked as received in Purchase Batch Receiving Entry. Clear this option to display all PO batch data in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry whether it was received or not.

POs with Advance Ship Notice data only Require PO batch data to be set as received Purchase orders that display in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry
Yes Yes Batch-processed POs that are received in Purchase Batch Receiving Entry
No Yes Batch-processed POs that are received in Purchase Batch Receiving Entry and all POs that have not been batch-processed.
Yes No Batch-processed POs in Purchase Batch Receiving Entry, whether they are received or not.
No No All POs that meet the search criteria specified in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, whether batch-processed or not.
Use Actual Line for Inventory Posting of a Return

This option determines whether the actual line price is used for a PO return. This option is only used for return merchandise (RM) orders if average cost is selected for the Post to G/L By setting in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. If you are not using average cost, then serial/lot roll and serial/lot product are not changed for an RM based on this option.

Select this option to re-average the average cost for the warehouse product, based on the old values and the new values when each RM is received. Addons are excluded from the recalculation unless you are doing the cost adjustment or you capitalize PO addons. If addons are capitalized, the addon amount is re-averaged among remaining lines.

If the RM changes the on-hand, unavailable, and received quantities to 0, then these event occur:

  • A GL cost adjustment is posted based on what was in the inventory before the return.
  • The new average cost becomes the last cost for the warehouse product, based on re-average of inventory.

Purchase Order

Assign PO # From

Select the level at which purchase order numbers are assigned. If you select Company, specify the beginning and ending range of order numbers in the Beg PO # and End PO # fields. If you select Warehouse, the beginning and ending number range are used on the Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup record.

Beg PO #

If you select Company for the Assign PO # From setting, specify the beginning purchase order number.

End PO #

If you select Company for the Assign PO # From setting, specify the ending purchase order number. When you reach the end of the PO number range, this message is displayed: All Order #'s are in Use (5640)

Next PO #

If you select Company for the Assign PO # From setting, this field shows the next PO number that the system will use. This field updates each time an order is entered in Purchase Order Entry.


Specify the purchase order number skip factor. This value must be 1, 10, 100, or 1000. When changing the assignment method from a warehouse-level number to a company-level number, large blocks of purchase orders may be unavailable. The skip factor enables Purchase Order Entry to determine the next available order number.