Vendor Period Analysis Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Print As Of?
Select Yes to include transactions active as of a certain date. If you select Yes, specify a date in the As Of Date option. If you select Yes to limit the period balances that are to print, the current balance that is shown on the report header will show only the balance from all Accounts Payable transactions entered for the period.
Select No to print all active transactions on the report. If you select No, the current balance will show the balance from the vendor record(s).
- As Of Date
If you select Yes in the Print As Of option, specify a cutoff date to print all transactions that were active as of the date entered. You can specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field if you want to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the system will use the current date less 7 days for the date.
- Use Whole Months?
If you select Yes, the periods used for aging will be whole months, starting on the first day of the month through the last day of the month. The aging periods will start with the current month or the month corresponding to the date specified in the Print As Of option. When Yes is selected for , the do not apply.
- Print Balances Starting at Period
This option allows you to limit the number of vendors that appear on the report.
Specify 0 to print vendors without a balance, as well as those with balances in Periods 1 - 5.
Specify 1 to print all vendors who have a balance in at least one of the five periods. All vendors who have no period balances, but might have a miscellaneous credit, are excluded from the report.
If you only want to review those vendors with past due balances, specify a Period 2 or greater. Specify 2 to print a vendor who has a balance in Periods 2-5. Specify 3 to print a vendor who has a balance in Periods 3-5, and so on.
If you select any value greater than zero and you select Yes for the Print Vendors with Zero Balances option, the report displays all vendors with balances in the selected period and all vendors with a zero total balance. It will not show vendors with a zero balance in the selected period that have current balances greater than zero.
If you limit the period balances that are to print, the current balance that is shown in the report header will reflect the balance from the selected period range, not the current balance from the vendor's record.
- # Of Days Between Dates (30/60/90/120)
Specify the number of days per aging period to use.
- (V)endor# or (L)ookup Name Order
Specify V to print the report in vendor number order.
Specify L to print the report in lookup name order.
The balances are checked against the entered period whether the cutoff is the default or not.
- Print Vend#, Lookup name By Division#?
Select Yes to print this report in division number order if you have implemented fully or partialy divisionalized accounting. If you are using partially divisionalized accounting, all vendors are grouped by division.
If you have implemented fully divisionalized accounting, transactions for each vendor print in division number order, with totals for each division. If not printing in detail, only division totals will print for each vendor. If you are printing grand totals only, a grand total for all vendors will print.
- Print Detail Transactions?
Select Yes to print a detail line for each transaction per vendor. This method can make the report lengthy.
Select No to print the vendor, division, and grand totals only.
- By (I)nv#, Inv (D)ate, Due Da(T)e?
This option is only applicable if you selected Yes for the Print Detail Transactions option.
Specify I to print detailed transactions for each vendor in invoice number order.
Specify D to print detailed transactions for each vendor in invoice date order.
Specify T to print detailed transactions for each vendor in due date order.
- Credit (B)elow, w/ (I)nv, (S)ummary?
This option is only applicable if you selected Yes for the Print Detail Transactions option.
Specify B to incorporate any miscellaneous credits in the invoice transaction detail, displaying them separately below the invoice detail on the report.
Specify I to have asterisks print to the right of the Total Credits shown in the Grand Totals section of the report to indicate the amount of the credits is included in the Grand Totals.
Specify S to not include miscellaneous credit detail, just totals of all credits applied.
- If With Inv, (A)ge or (C)urrent?
Use this option to age miscellaneous credits when you run the Vendor Period Analysis Report, or include them in the current totals only.
This option is only applicable if you selected Yes for the Print Detail Transactions option.
Specify A to display miscellaneous credits in the appropriate period column based on the due date of the misc credit transaction.
Specify C to display miscellaneous credits in the Period 1 column. Total Credits will display below the invoices and the note, Detail Included in Aging Periods, will be printed to the right. In addition, the Grand Total will include the misc credits and the note, ** Credit Amount Included in Aging Periods, is printed.
- Print Vendors With Zero Balances?
Select Yes to include vendors with zero total balances. This is the total of periods 1-5 and future invoices. Miscellaneous credits are subtracted from the totals.
Select No to not include vendors with zero total balances.
- Grand Totals Only?
Select Yes to not include transaction details and vendor totals; however, division totals, miscellaneous credit totals, current balance totals, and period 1-5 balances print.
Select No to include transaction details and vendor totals.
- Division Group
- Select a division group to generate the report for the divisions
assigned to that division group. If you specify both the division group and
division range, the report is generated only for those divisions within the
specified division range and division group.Note: The results for a division group or division are not generated in the report if the division security for an operator is not assigned to that division group or division on the Other Options tab of the SA Operator Setup screen.