Customer Period Analysis Report ranges and options
See Ranges.
- Print As Of?
Select Yes to include transactions active as of a certain date. You can specify a date in the As Of Date option, which is printed on the report. When a transaction is for a split payment, the amount of the balance is the amount due for the payment, instead of the entire amount due for the invoice.
If you select Yes to limit the period balances that are to print, the current balance that is shown on the report header only shows the balance from all Accounts Receivable transactions that are entered for the period.
Select No to print all active transactions on the report. If you select No, the current balance shows the balance from the customer(s) record.
Note: If you select Yes and then specify a value other than zero in Print Balances Starting at Period, this message is displayed:As of Reporting Cannot be Used with Period Start
The two options use different processing logic and cannot be used together. - As Of Date
If you selected Yes in Print As Of?, specify a cutoff date to print all transactions that were active as of that date.
If you leave the As Of Date option blank, the current date is the default value. You can specify a number between -1 and -7 in the field to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the current date less 7 days is used for the date.
- Use Set Month?
When the Print As Of? option is Yes, this option is applicable. When you select Yes for Use Set Month?, the SA Administrator Options-Customers-Balances Aging Periods that are applicable for the date range are used to set the months for the report. This is useful if the aging periods for the report do not coincide with the current SA Administrator Options aging periods.
For example, if you run the Customer Period Analysis Report on October 15th for an aging period range of January 1st through April 30th, selecting Use Set Month? option will use the SA Administrator Options aging periods as they were defined for those months.
- Use Whole Months?
If you select this option, whole months are used as aging periods, starting on the first day of the month through the last day of the month. The aging periods start with the current month or the month corresponding to the date specified in the Print As Of? option. When Use Whole Months is selected, the SA Administrator Options aging periods do not apply.
- Print Balances Starting at Period
Use this option to limit the number of customers that are included on the report. If you accept the default of 0, customers with balances in Periods 1-5 and customers without a balance are included in the report.
Specify 1 to print all customers who have a balance in Period 1. All customers who have no period balances (but may have a service charge, miscellaneous credit, or unapplied cash balance) are excluded from the report, unless you use the Customer Entry Roll Balances Report to roll service charges, miscellaneous credit, or unapplied cash balances into period balances.
To review those customers with overdue balances, specify 2, 3, 4, or 5.
For example, if you specify 2, the customer must have a balance in Periods 2-5. If you specify 3, the customer must have a balance in Periods 3-5.
If you specify a value greater than zero and you have set the Print Customers With Zero Balances? option to Yes, the report shows all customers with balances in the selected period and all customers with a zero total balance. It does not show customers with a zero balance in the selected period that have current balances greater than zero.
If you limit the period balances that are to print, the current balance that is shown in the report header reflects the balance from the selected period range, not the current balance from the customer(s)' record.
Note: If you select Yes and then specify a value other than zero in Print Balances Starting at Period, this message is displayed:As of Reporting Cannot be Used with Period Start
The options use different processing logic and cannot be used together.
- (C)ust #, (L)ookup Nm, (S)lsrp, Cred(M)gr Order
Specify C to print in customer number order.
Specify L to print in lookup name order.
Specify S to print in outside sales rep order.
Specify M to print in credit manager order.
The balances are checked against the entered period, regardless of whether the cutoff is the default value.
- (C)ust,LN/Div, (D)iv/Cust,LN,(N)o Div
Specify whether the division number is from the Customer Setup record or the Customer Transaction Entry record. If you implemented fully or partially divisionalized accounting, you can print this report by division number. This option is only valid if you select customer number or lookup name order for the previous option. It does not apply if you do not use divisional accounting.
Specify C to sort the report by customer, for each division that the customer had activity in.
Specify D to sort the report by the division on the transaction record and each customer that had activity in the division is listed.
Specify N to sort the report by the customer number from customer record without being sorted by division. Specify N if you are a non-divisional company.
- Print Detail Transactions?
Select Yes to print a detail line for each transaction per customer. This method can make the report lengthy.
Select No to exclude detail lines. Only the customer, division, and grand totals print.
Note: Total Credits and Domestic Total Credits are always included on the report. - Detail by (S)hip To, (I)nv#, Inv(D)t, DueD(T)?
This option is only applicable if you selected Yes for the Print Detail Transactions option.
Specify S to print detailed transactions for each customer in ship to/job number order. Subtotals print by ship to/ job number and for service charges by ship to/job number.
Specify I to print detailed transactions for each customer in invoice number order.
Specify D to print detailed transactions for each customer in invoice date order.
Specify T to print detailed transactions for each customer in due date order.
- Print Customers With Zero Balances?
Select Yes to print customers with zero balances.
Select No to not print customers with zero total balances. This is the total of Period 1-5, Service Charges, and Future Invoices. Miscellaneous Credits and Unapplied Cash are subtracted from the totals.
- Grand Totals Only?
Select Yes to print division totals, grand total services charges and Period 1-5 balances. Miscellaneous credit totals, current balance totals, and an average of all average days to pay also print. Transaction details and customer totals do not print.
Select No to also include transaction details and customer totals.
- Include COD's in Period Balances?
Select Yes to include C.O.D. transactions in the period balances. This produces an aging report that includes all current receivables that you can give to a lender for borrowing purposes. This report is also used to track C.O.D. receivables that require follow-up.
- Age by (D)ue or (I)nvoice Date
Specify D to age invoices by due date.
Specify I to age invoices by invoice date.
- For Cust#LkNm Sorts Use Division Range
- At (C)ustomer (T)rans or (B)oth Levels
Use this option to select whether the division number is from the Customer Setup record or the Customer Transaction Entry record.
Specify C to include any customer within the specified division range and all transactions for those customers regardless of the division that is assigned to the transactions. The Customer Setup records are used to apply division ranges and totals include all transactions regardless of their division.
Specify T to use the Customer Transaction Entry records to apply division ranges.
Specify B to print only the customers that are assigned to the division range with at least one transaction that is assigned to the division range. Both customer and transaction records to apply division ranges.
- Print MC/UC Reference When Special Trans
- Aging is Set to "M" or "B"?
If you select Yes and the Print Detail Transactions option is Yes, the reference field for any miscellaneous credit or unapplied cash transactions prints depending on the aging options in the Special Transaction section in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Balances.
If Age Miscellaneous Credits is selected, or if both Age Miscellaneous Credits and Age Service Charges are selected, the reference field for a miscellaneous credit or unapplied cash transactions is printed in this manner:
- If the future column is blank, then the reference prints in the future column field.
- If the future column is not blank and the first two period column fields are blank, then the reference prints in the first two period column fields.
- If the future column is not blank and the first two period column fields are not blank, then the reference prints in the third and fourth period column fields.
Note: If the Age Miscellaneous Credits and Age Service Charges options are not selected, or if only the Age Service Charges option is selected, the Customer Period Analysis Report uses different format. The M or B values for the Print MC/UC when Special Trans Aging option does not apply.
Select No and the reference for a miscellaneous credit or unapplied cash does not print.
- Print Shipto Subtotal on Summary Report?
Select Yes to include shipto subtotals. Select No to exclude them. Only customer totals are printed when you select No.
To view shipto subtotals on the detailed report, select Yes in the Print Detail Transactions field and specify S in the By (S)hipTo, (I)nv#, Inv(D)t, Due D(T) field.
- Division Group
- Select a division group to generate the report for the divisions
assigned to that division group. If you specify both the division group and
division range, the report is generated only for those divisions within the
specified division range and division group.Note: The results for a division group or division are not generated in the report if the division security for an operator is not assigned to that division group or division on the Other Options tab of the SA Operator Setup screen.