Vendor Trial Balance Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Print As Of?

Select Yes to include transactions active as of a certain date. Specify a date in the As Of Date option.

Select No to include all active transactions on the report, including future transactions. Future transactions are added to your Accounts Payable balance on the report and must be deducted to balance with General Ledger totals.

Partial Payments

This table illustrates the result of selecting Yes for the Print As Of? option and different As of Dates for the following partial payment example.

Original Invoice Amount Invoice Post Date PP Posting Date Partial Payment Amount
$100.00 10/1/13 10/05/13 $80.00
    10/30/13 $20.00

As of Date = 10/10/13  The report will display a balance of $20.00 for the invoice.

As of Date = 10/02/13 The report will display a balance of $100.00 for the invoice.

As Of Date

If you selected Yes for the Print As Of option, specify a cutoff date to print all transactions that were active through the date entered. Future transactions are not included unless you specify an As Of Date value that is far enough in the future to include these transactions. As of reports pull data based on the General Ledger posting date.

You can specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field if you want to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the system will use the current date less 7 days for the date.

(V)endor # or Vendor (N)ame Order

Specify V to print the selected vendors in vendor number order.

Specify Vendor Nto print the selected vendors in vendor name order.

Print Divisional Totals?

Select Yes to print totals for each AP Control account per division number. You can print divisional totals whether you are using standard or partially divisionalized accounting or fully divisionalized accounting.

If you have division numbers set up in most or all of your vendor records and the Divisional option in SA Company Setup is not selected, you use partially divisionalized accounting. If your Company Setup Divisional option is selected, you use fully divisionalized accounting.

Print Zero Balances?

Select Yes to print vendors with no activity. The General Ledger account is derived from the activity itself, so zero-activity vendors do not have a General Ledger account associated with their display and do not print in the General Ledger section of the report.

Select No to print only vendors with activity in the specified cutoff date period.

Detail (I)nvoice, (V)endor, (G)L, (T)otals

Specify Ito print all invoices and miscellaneous credits for each vendor.

Specify V to print by vendor the General Ledger account balances created in Accounts Payable.

Specify G to print the General Ledger account numbers with a list of vendors who have balances in those accounts.

Specify T only the third section of this report prints. No vendor detail prints; only the division and grand totals for Accounts Payable and General Ledger print. If you selected the range of all vendors, the Accounts Payable and General Ledger totals should be identical.

Print Out Of Balance List?

Select Yes to print an out of balance list. This list is from the Vendor Setup balances for each vendor. This option is not available if you are using the Print As Of option.

If these records do not balance for each vendor, determine the reason for the imbalance and correct the error. If the error is not corrected, it will continue to occur. Determining the reason for the out of balance condition could indicate whether procedures are being performed wrong, or if setup options are set incorrectly.

Display Open Journals?

Select Yes to print warning messages for all open journals.

Select No if you do not want warning messages to appear on the report.

Division Group
Select a division group to generate the report for the divisions assigned to that division group. If you specify both the division group and division range, the report is generated only for those divisions within the specified division range and division group.
Note: The results for a division group or division are not generated in the report if the division security for an operator is not assigned to that division group or division on the Other Options tab of the SA Operator Setup screen.