SA Administrator Options - Products - Defaults field descriptions

Product Setup

Allow Expanded Product Length

Select this option to enable the expansion of the Product # field. This action enables use of the expanded product number in specific setup and entry functions, such as Product Setup, Product Catalog Setup, and nonstock entry in Sales Order Entry. Sign out and sign back into Distribution SX.e to activate the change.

Allow Expanded Product Price Type Length

Select this option to enable the expansion of the Product Price Type field. This action enables users to specify up to 15 characters for the product price type throughout the system, including setups, mass maintenance, and order entry. The full 15-character product price type code is displayed in reports such as ICRMC, ICRMW, PDRC, PDRP, PDRMF, and PDRMR.

Sign out and sign back into Distribution SX.e to activate the change.

Allow Expanded Vendor Product Length

Select this option to enable the expansion of the vendor's Product # field. This action enables use of the expanded product number in specific entry functions, such as Product Warehouse Product Setup and Product Catalog Setup. You can use Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup-Vendor to associate your product number with the vendor's product number. It also enables your EDI Flat files to accommodate up to 50 characters. The EDI 810in, 856in, 861in, 845in, 844out, 849in, 852, and 855 documents can process this expanded number.

Sign out and sign back into Distribution SX.e to activate the change.

Display Extended Product Description on Reports

Select this option to print a product’s extended product description, if specified on a Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record. The option applies to these reports:

  1. Product Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report - if Yes is selected for the Print Prod Descriptions option
  2. Product Surplus Stock Report - if Product is selected for the Sort Order option
  3. KP Entry Print Work Orders Report - work order pick ticket
  4. Sales Entry Processing Pick Tickets Report - pick tickets
  5. Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report - invoices
  6. Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgments Report - order acknowledgments
  7. VA Entry Processing Pick Tickets Report - pick tickets
  8. Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report - transfer pick tickets
Import Directory

Specify a directory path where Product Import data files are imported.

Lookup Name From

When you create a new Product Setup record, the product lookup name automatically displays this information:

  • The first 15 characters of the product
  • First description
  • Second description, or blank

The lookup name is generally used instead of the product throughout the Product and Pricing and Discounting modules. Because the lookup name displays on most inquiries and reports, set up meaningful lookup names.

Require Vendor #/Product Line

Select an option to require the values under these circumstances:

  • A Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record is created
  • The General view on an existing product or warehouse product record is updated

Select Vendor and Product Line to require these values on Product Warehouse Product Setup and Product Catalog Setup records.

Select Vendor to require a vendor value on Product Warehouse Product Setup records. The vendor value is required regardless of the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) Type specified in Product Warehouse Product Setup.

Note: You must specify a vendor on all Product Catalog Setup records. The Require Vendor #/Product Line setting does not affect this requirement.
Update Extended Product Description from Product Attributes
Select this checkbox to allow product attributes to update the extended product description. The Extended Description field on the General tab of the Product Setup screen is updated by including the attribute value assigned on the Attributes tab.


Allow Auto Assign Lots

Select this option to enable the automatic assignment of lot numbers during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, and return processing in Sales Order Entry. This option enables you to assign lot numbers during receiving to a product in which you sell a discrete quantity or length. For example, you can set up a 100 foot roll of cable as a lot product. When you receive five rolls of cable, you can automatically assign five lot numbers to each roll, for a total quantity of 500 feet. When selling a specific length of cable, specify the cable lot product and indicate the length they are buying in the Quantity field in Sales Order Entry. These types of products are not truly lot items. This process enables you to track the receipt and sale of any product that you sell in lengths or other portions.

When you select this option, a lot number is automatically generated when:

  • Receiving the lot product and select Auto Assign in the Lots window in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry.
  • Creating an RM for a lot product in Sales Order Entry. The Auto Assign Lots window displays so you can specify the number of lot numbers you require and the total quantity of product you are receiving.

In the example, you would specify 5 in the Number of Lots field, and 500 in the Total Quantity Received field.

Entering an order in Sales Order Entry and associating it with an invoice number, the lot record is updated. If you do not associate it with an invoice number, automatically assign a lot number, as described above or manually assign a number.

Lot numbers are assigned sequentially based on an internal counter, starting with 000000001.

Assign Serial # During Receiving

Select this option to require that serial-controlled products are assigned a serial number when they are received in these functions:

  • Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry
  • Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry

A Product Extended Serial Number Setup record is created when you assign the serial number.

If you do not select this option, then you must assign serial numbers when the product is sold. You can assign the serial numbers in Sales Order Entry or Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.

To define this option per product, specify AO Dflt, Receive, or Sales in the Serial Receiving field in Product Warehouse Product Setup. Receive or Sales overrides the Assign Serial# During Receiving setting. To not assign serial numbers during receiving, set the Serial Receiving field for that product to Sales.

When you specify serial number, it is validated against Product Extended Serial# Setup records. If a record does not exist, it is created after the line item is added to the order. If the serial number is de-allocated, the Product Extended Serial# Setup record is deleted.

If you do not select Assign Serial # During Receiving, Product Extended Serial# Setup records can be created during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, or as they are entered in Sales Order Entry. If you create them from Purchase or Transfer, you can select the serial numbers for the products you are selling in Sales Order Entry if the Force Lot/Serial Input option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.

During Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, if the order is a Return Merchandise (RM) type or the product is being returned on a Counter Sale (CS) order type and the product is serialized, the serial number record from Product Extended Serial# Setup is created.


This option applies to serial-controlled products in Storeroom. If you do not select this option, serial numbers are assigned when products are issued.

Receive Lots Into

During Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, you can receive new lot quantities into any lot, only new lots, and closed and new lots.

Select Any Lot to create and receive into a new lot, receive into an existing open lot, or receive into a closed lot.

Select New Only to create and receive into new lots. You cannot receive into open or closed lots.

Select Closed or New to create and receive into a new lot, or receive into an closed lot. You cannot receive into an existing open lot.

If the available is not zero, then the available quantity increases by the quantity you are receiving. If you have an available quantity of zero, then you must manually specify the open date in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. The closed date is cleared, and the status changes from inactive to active.

Require Serials at Shipping

Select this option to require that serial numbers are assigned to products on sales orders that are tied to non-direct warehouse transfers in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. This option is available only if you have selected Require Serials on non-Direct WTs. When both of these options are selected, the serial number that is captured during Transfer Shipping Entry is not saved to the tied sales order line. Warehouse personnel must assign the serial number when it is shipped to the customer.

Require Serials on Direct POs

Select this option to require serial number assignment of Direct Order purchase orders (DO POs) in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. The tied sales order is automatically shipped after the serial numbers are assigned.

The serial numbers for DO POs are provided by the vendor. The serial numbers for the products on the purchase order lines must be assigned at shipping. Serial number assignment is determined by the Assign Serial# During Receiving option in this section, or the serial control setting on Product Warehouse Product Setup records. Serial number assignment during purchase order receiving is already required if serial numbers are assigned during receiving.

If you do not select this option, then you can still assign serial numbers during receiving but it is not required. If serial numbers are not assigned in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, then you must assign serial numbers in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry before you can ship the sales order.

You can also select this option to allocate serial numbers on DO POs when you receive DO POs during final update of vendor invoices. You can perform final update in Vendor Invoice Center Entry or by running the Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report. If the number of serial numbers that are allocated for a PO line matches the invoice, the invoice is processed and Product Extended Serial Number Setup records are created.

You can receive the serial numbers on an inbound EDI 810 Invoice document, or enter them manually in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. In this scenario, the serial numbers for the products on the purchase order lines must be assigned at receiving.

Require Serials on non-Direct WTs

Select this option to require serial numbers to be assigned in Transfer Shipping Entry before shipping a non-direct warehouse transfer.

If you select this option, then you are required to assign serial numbers regardless of these settings:

  • The Assign Serial# During Receiving option in this section
  • The serial control setting on Product Warehouse Product Setup records that can be used to override the administrator option


NS/DO Write-Off Amount

You can specify a maximum variance that is automatically written off. To not specify an automatic write-off amount, leave the default of zero. If the setting is zero, you must manually write off any cost difference in Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry.

If you specify an amount in this field, then Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry write-off GL postings and IC transactions are generated when these conditions are met:

  • A transaction takes the NS/DO set quantity to zero.
  • The cost difference is less than the write off amount.

Then the set is automatically closed. The write-off amount is posted to the Product GL Distribution Setup R&D Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Adjustment account.

Overfill Tied Order Qty with Receipt Qty

Select PO Receipts to automatically update the quantity ordered amount on a tied nonstock sales order. The shipped quantity is used if the PO is received with an amount greater than ordered. This prevents a broken tie when the sales order is shipped and invoiced.

Select WT Receipts to automatically update the quantity ordered amount on a tied nonstock sales order. The shipped quantity is used if the warehouse transfer is received with an amount greater than ordered. This prevents a broken tie when the sales order is shipped and invoiced.

Product Category

Nonstock products can be entered in Sales Order Entry when ordered by a customer. Nonstock products can be entered in Purchase Order Entry when you order from a vendor, including not for resale products.Each time you enter a nonstock or not for resale product, you can automatically default a specific product category. If you leave this option blank, then the product category is defaulted to a blank value in the Nonstock view. You are forced to specify one.

Purge NS/DO After Closing

Select this option to purge nonstock and direct order sets after they are closed. A set is considered closed when both the quantity and amount are 0 (zero). This prevents you from inquiring on closed sets in Product Inquiry. If you do not select this option, then the sets remain and you can perform inquiries on them until they are purged from the system.

Sales Processing

Allow Partial Unit Sale

Select this option to allow the sale and partial shipment of an item. For example, your stocking unit for an item is each and your selling unit is case. Select this option if you allow shipping a partial case. If a case consists of 24 items each and you only have 12 items available to sell, then 12 each is shipped. If you do not select this option, then no items ship because a partial unit cannot be sold.

Catalog Stocked

This option determines the default setting of a catalog product in Sales Order Entry. When you enter a catalog product in Sales Order Entry, you have the option of converting it to a stocked product. If you convert most of your catalog products into stocked products, select this option. If catalog products are to be completely handled as nonstocks, do not select this option.

IDM MSDS Sheet Xquery Attributes

If you select the Use IDM for MSDS option, specify the MSDS XQuery attributes to use as a search criteria for MSDS sheets stored in Infor Document Management (IDM). XQuery attributes are used to find the correct MSDS sheet to email or print when an invoice contains MSDS products and the invoice is generated through IDM.

Specify the attributes in a list, separated by commas. These attributes define how your MSDS sheets are stored in IDM. Use attributes to print or email MSDS sheets for a certain company, sheet number, or language code for the qualifying product, or print or email all MSDS sheets that are stored in IDM for the MSDS product.

Up to four attributes can be specified in the IDM MSDS Sheet XQuery Attributes field using this format:


When you add your MSDS sheets in IDM, you must assign the document attributes to match the attributes you specify here. For example, if you specify Company_Number,Product_Number, you should store your MSDS sheets in IDM as document type MSDS Sheet, and the Company Number and Product Number attributes assigned.

Note: Product_Number is assumed or required, but at a minimum should be specified. The Language_Code attribute is not used to search for MSDS sheets for commercial invoices. There is no language code sent to IDM for commercial invoice forms.


If Product_Number only is specified in the IDM MSDS Sheet XQuery Attributes field, all MSDS sheets with a document type ID that contains a matching product number are selected to print for the MSDS product when invoices are printed or emailed.

For example, if an invoice contains MSDS product 5-104, all MSDS sheets stored in IDM with 5-104 as the Product Number attribute are printed.

If Company_Number,Product_Number are specified, all MSDS sheets with attributes matching the invoice company and the product number are printed.

MSDS Print

You must supply Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to identify products that contain potentially hazardous materials to customers. You can include the MSDS information on the pick ticket, you can print MSDS sheets during invoicing when using IDM for MSDS, or you can designate to mail the MSDS sheet later.

Select Picking to print a notice on the pick picket. If you select Mail Later, the system updates the MSDS record during Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, but you must generate the Product Hazardous Materials (MSDS) Report to update the MSDS sent date. Generate the Product Hazardous Materials (MSDS) Report regularly to ensure that your customers have the most current sheet on hand.

If you selected the Use IDM for MSDS option, then Invoicing is selected in the MSDS Print field by default. Invoicing is the only option for printing MSDS sheets when Use IDM for MSDS is selected.

MSDS sheets are printed for all qualifying products on each invoice when it is printed in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, Sales Entry Consolidated Invoice Report, Sales Commercial Invoice Report, or Sales Demand Invoice Print.

Scrap Return Reason

Select a reason to enable processing a scrap loss value specified in IBC RF Cut Allocation Entry.

During the update, the scrap quantity input from RF entry is moved to Unavailable status at the product and lot levels. This is based on these reason codes set up in SA Table Code Value Setup:

  • The Return Adjust Reason populates the Scrap Return Reason. This is the ‘reason’ code used for the cut loss stock adjustment. It uses the Return Type and GL account defined in SA Table Code Value Setup.
  • The Reason Unavailable populates the Product Unavailable Inventory Entry Reason field.

The reason is stored in the internal ICETL and ICSOU records. It is displayed in the Product Unavailable Inventory Entry grid.

Use IDM for MSDS
Select this option to use Infor Document Management (IDM) to print or email MSDS sheets when invoices with MSDS products are generated in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, Sales Demand Invoice Print, Sales Entry Consolidated Invoice Report, or Sales Entry Commercial Invoice Report.

MSDS sheets must be stored in Infor Document Management before you can send them with IDM invoices.

See the Infor Document Management Administration Guide for instructions for adding documents to IDM.


Control Special Pricing Values for Tally Products

You must set up the parent product and all components of a dimensional tally as special priced products in Product Setup.

See the information about receiving updates for purchase orders.

To ensure that the special pricing fields are consistent, select this option before you begin setting up the tallies. If a component has special pricing information that differs from the tally product, a warning message is displayed in KP Tally Mix Setup.

Use the PO Adjustment Factor for Tally Components

Select this option to apply the PO adjustment factor to tally components.

If you clear the selection, then all tally component lengths are received without modifying the component cost. When this option is not applied, these values are probably different:

  • Total value of the tally components
  • Value of the tally parent product on the PO line

The difference is posted to the Tally Variance account at PO receiving. A debit and a credit for the amount of the difference is posted to the GL account in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. When the PO is costed in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, a debit is posted to the variance account for the amount of the difference.

To ensure that the cost of the components does not change, you cannot change the cost of the tally parent product during receiving. You can change the cost of the tally parent product during costing. Changing the cost of the tally parent product causes the average cost of the components to be adjusted.


Record Usage Based on Requested Ship Date

Select this option to record product usage by the requested ship date. Clear the option to record product usage by the inventory transaction posting date. This option also applies when recording customer forecast usage.

Physical Counts

Adjustment Exception Amt

When you post physical adjustments after counting your inventory, the new On Hand quantities may differ from old on hand quantities. Use this option to specify the maximum difference that is permitted between the two quantities before the physical adjustment prints on the inventory exception report. The inventory exception report prints if you select Yes for the Print Detail Exceptions option on Product Entry Journal Print Report. This exception indicates that there might be a problem with this product and you should monitor it closely.

IC Cost Adjustment GL Account in Product Adjustment Entry (ICEPA)

Use this setting to define the default IC Cost Adjustments account used when you make stock adjustments in Product Adjustment Entry.

To enable override of the default IC Cost Adjustments account, select Use GL Distribution Screen. When you record a stock adjustment in Product Adjustment Entry and click Update, a GL journal is opened and the General Ledger Distribution window is displayed. The Account field in the General Ledger grid in Product Adjustment Entry displays the IC Cost Adjustments account as the default, but it can be changed.

To restrict users to only updating the default GL account defined in Product GL Distribution Setup or SA Operator Setup-General Ledger, select Use ICSEG/Operator. The General Ledger Distribution window is not displayed in this case, and the default IC Cost Adjustments account is updated automatically.

If neither option is selected, the default GL account is updated as if you selected Use ICSEG/Operator.

Catch Weight

Enable Catch Weight Tracking

If you enable this option, you can perform catch weight tracking and processing during sales order shipping, purchase order processing, or both. You can select one of these options:

  • Both Sales Orders and Purchase Orders: When selected, the Actual Total Weight of a catch product must be specified in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry and in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.
  • For Purchase Orders: When selected, the Actual Total Weight of a catch product must be specified in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
  • For Sales Orders: When selected, the Actual Total Weight of a catch product must be specified in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.

This setting is used in combination with the product settings in Product Setup. If the SA Administrator Options setting is enabled, the catch weight settings are available in Product Setup-General.