GL Balance Purchase Orders Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Print Detail?
Specify Yes to print order line detail for each account code and all manual detail. This includes the receipt date, costed date, and last changed date for each detail line. Specify No to print totals only for uninvoiced purchase orders and the General Ledger balances.
Print Other Postings?
Specify Yes to print manual postings made to the Uninvoiced Inventory and Uninvoiced Addon accounts. If you include manual postings, the report can be lengthy. Specify No if you do not want other postings to these accounts included in the report.
Other Posting Cutoff Date
If you specified Yes in the Print Other Postings option, specify a cutoff date to replace the current date. This causes the GL Balance Purchase Order Report to print all manual postings after the date typed. Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field to return to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/** the current date less 7 days is used for the date.
(W)hsePCat, W(h)se, (V)end, (P)Cat Order


  • W to sort by warehouse and product category.
  • H to sort by warehouse.
  • V to sort by vendor.
  • P to sort by product category.

Each detail section is also sorted by purchase order number and suffix.

Display Open Journals?
Specify Yes to print warning messages for all open journals or No if you do not want warning messages to print.
Print Uninvoiced Amount for each PO?
Specify Yes to print the total uninvoiced amount for each purchase order. You must also specify Yes in the Print Detail option for this option to work.
Division Group
Select a division group to generate the report for the divisions assigned to that division group. If you specify both the division group and division range, the report is generated only for those divisions within the specified division range and division group.
Note: The results for a division group or division are not generated in the report if the division security for an operator is not assigned to that division group or division on the Other Options tab of the SA Operator Setup screen.