Product Trial Balance of Direct Orders Report ranges and options


Print As Of

Select Yes to activate the As of Date option. The As Of date is used to find Inventory Control and General Ledger records, based on their posting date.

Select No to use the current date.

As of Date (MM/DD/YY)

You must select Yes for the Print As Of option to use this field.

Specify the posting date from which the report includes Inventory Control and General Ledger records. Balances are calculated through this date and simulate balances at the end of that date.

The As Of functionality involves two calculations. Both calculations use the posting date of the individual records

The As Of for General Ledger uses the YTD General Ledger balance from the current posting year. From that amount, it rolls backwards through every posted transaction after the report cutoff date, and subtracts and adds to the balance.

Because Inventory Control involves both a cost and quantity, it uses the cost that was in effect at the as of cutoff point. To facilitate this, each direct order set reflects the General Ledger cost that was in effect at the time of that particular posting. The open date and close date of both active and inactive sets determines if the set is applicable. The recorded cost on this transaction is multiplied by the calculated On Hand quantity to arrive at the value of the inventory at that time.

Because the report uses the most current balance, the posting to the inventory accounts cannot coincide with running this report. If posting is being performed, a warning is included on the report if the account was altered between the time it was first accessed and when the final as of balance was determined.

Inventory Control balances are processed similarly to the General Ledger. Because Inventory Control balances are perpetual, the current balance is always used as a starting point. Individual transactions are added or subtracted, based on transaction type. Each transaction is processed in order from the most current date back to the As Of date to determine the quantity and use in the calculation.

You cannot post past the current year without rolling balances to make the next year current. From that total, it rolls backwards through every transaction posted after the report cutoff date, subtracting and adding to the balance. Because Inventory Control accounts are always balance forward accounts, this works even when the As Of date is in a previous year. If a cutoff date is specified, the balances reflect the cost and balance as of the end of the specified period.

If your company uses a 12-period calendar year, the specified month and year is converted to the correct period. If your company uses a 13-period calendar year, the month and year is converted to the correct period, based on the 13 ending dates from SA Administrator Options-Financials-Fiscal Year.

You can specify a negative number in the day field to indicate a date up to seven days past the current date. For example, specify **/-7/** to use the current date less 7 days for the date.

Print Prod (D)etail, (G)/L, or (T)otal

Specify D to the first section of the report, which includes product and warehouse details.

The first section is sorted by information from Product General Ledger Distribution Setup. Products are included in product order under their respective product categories. Additionally, the sales order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer number from the direct order inventory record is included to aid in researching discrepancies.

Specify G to include General Ledger balancing information.

Specify T to include the final total from the second section and a grand total. The first section is not included on the report.

Skip Zero Qty/Cost Items? (D) Only

Select Yes to only include products that have records larger than zero (0). If a nonstock or a direct order has a negative quantity, it is included when you select Yes.

Print Prod Descriptions (D) Only

Select Yes to include the product descriptions from Product Setup on the report.

Print ICSEG & SASO Unused Accounts

This report includes information from Product General Ledger Distribution Setup records, based on warehouses and products.

Select Yes to include Product General Ledger Distribution Setup records that were not found in normal processing. These records include warehouse/product category records that do not have products that fall within the specified ranges. Any balance represented by these types of records might cause an out-of-balance condition.

The same is true of GL Account records in SA Operator Setup. Because an operator does not typically have an inventory account with a balance, it could cause an out-of-balance condition.

Display Open Journals?

Select Yes to include warning messages for all open journals.

Exclude Labor Products?

Select Yes to include labor products on the report. Amounts that are associated with a labor cost that has never been costed affect the inventory balance.

Division Group
Select a division group to generate the report for the divisions assigned to that division group. If you specify both the division group and division range, the report is generated only for those divisions within the specified division range and division group.
Note: The results for a division group or division are not generated in the report if the division security for an operator is not assigned to that division group or division on the Other Options tab of the SA Operator Setup screen.