Customer Trial Balance Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Print As Of?

Select Yes to include transactions active as of a certain date. If you select Yes, you can specify a date in the As Of Date option.

Select No to includes all active transactions, including any future invoices, on the report.

To determine if a transaction is active or inactive, these checks are made:

  • Post date for active transactions
  • Payment date for inactive transactions
  • Sequence numbers if a transaction has more than one scheduled payment
As of Date

If you selected Yes for the Print As Of? option, specify a cutoff date to determine which active transactions to include on the report. The General Ledger amount is also calculated based on this date.

If you leave the As Of Date option blank, the current date is used. All active transactions as of today are included, but not future transactions.

You can specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the current date less 7 days is used for the date.

(C)ustomer # or Customer (N)ame Order

Specify C to print the customers in customer number order.

Specify N to print the customers alphabetically in customer name order.

Print Divisional Totals?

Select Yes to print totals for each division number, for each AR Control account. You can print divisional totals whether you are use standard, partially divisionalized accounting, or fully divisionalized accounting.

Print Zero Balances?

Select Yes to print all customers regardless of the balance.

Select No to exclude customers with a zero total balance and C.O.D. balance. This is the total balance calculation:

  • Total Periods 1-5 + service charges + future invoices – misc. credits unapplied cash
Detail (I)nvoice, (C)ustomer, (G)L, (T)otal

Specify I to print all invoices for each customer.

Specify C to print the General Ledger account balances that are created in Accounts Receivable by customer.

Specify G to print the GL account numbers with a list of customers who have balances in those accounts.

Specify T to print only division and grand totals for Accounts Receivable and General Ledger. Balancing history records are not created if you specify T. If you selected the range of all customers, the Accounts Receivable and General Ledger totals should be identical.

Print Out of Balance Customers?

Select Yes to print a list of out of balance customers at the end of your report. Out of balance customers are those customers where the active transactions do not match the Customer Setup period balances. This function is not available if you use the Print As Of? option.

Display Open Journals?

Select Yes to print warning messages for all open journals.

Division Group
Select a division group to generate the report for the divisions assigned to that division group. If you specify both the division group and division range, the report is generated only for those divisions within the specified division range and division group.
Note: The results for a division group or division are not generated in the report if the division security for an operator is not assigned to that division group or division on the Other Options tab of the SA Operator Setup screen.