SA Administrator Options - Documents - Sales Orders - Processing field descriptions
- Allow Do Not Reorder Whse Transfer Tie by
This option determines if your operators can sell Do Not Reorder (DNR) products from all warehouses in your company, from only warehouses within specific region, or strictly prevents them from tying a DNR product to a warehouse transfer. Select Company to allow DNR product ties to all warehouses. Select Region to limit ties to warehouses assigned to the operator's region. If you select Neither, no tie can be made for DNR products.
If you select Region, these conditions must be met:
- the DNR product must exist in the transfer shipping warehouse
- the region on the tied order must match the shipping warehouse's region
- the shipping warehouse must have enough in stock to fill the tied line
If the product is also a superseded item, Distribution SX.e automatically determines if the operator can access the Quantity Order or Order Type fields for warehouses other than the ordering warehouse on the Supersede Availability window in Sales Order Entry. If there is no match to the company, or region, or no transfer is allowed, these fields are informational only and cannot be changed.
- Interface to Purchase Orders
Select this option to interface to the Purchase module from Sales Order Entry. When you specify a purchase order number for a line item in the Sourcing view, the a line item is automatically created on an existing purchase order. Purchase orders are also created if a line item is a Pick Up On the Way or Direct Order, or the entire order is a Direct Order (DO). When the order is received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, the sales order stage and quantity shipped are automatically updated. If line items created in Sales Order Entry are not attached to a specific purchase order, the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report includes all nonstock and special line items.
If you do not select this option, you must manually specify all purchase orders for products requested from Sales Order Entry. Nonstock and special line items are not included on the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report.
- Interface to Warehouse Transfers
Sales Order Entry and Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. When you specify a warehouse transfer number on the Select this option to interface to the Transfer module during Sourcing view of a line item in Sales Order Entry, a line item is automatically created on an existing warehouse transfer. The Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report creates a warehouse transfer when a Future Order (FO) or Standing Order (ST) is converted to a Stock Order (SO). If a line is a direct order line and warehouse Transfer is selected as the document type on the Sourcing view in Sales Order Entry, a Direct Order warehouse transfer is created.
If you do not select this option, you must manually specify all transfers for products requested from Sales Order Entry.
- Calculate Vendor Rebate
This option enables the user to choose when to initially calculate rebates.
Select Entry to calculate vendor rebates at order entry. The value of the rebate is applied to the cost of the product at the time the order is entered. The margin information, displayed at the header and line level, includes the value of the rebate.
Select Invoicing to calculate vendor rebates at invoice processing. Costs and margins for products with vendor rebates display their pre-rebate value until the order is Stage 4 - Invoiced. If you select this option, the Recalc Rebate Through option does not apply because the rebate is only established at invoicing.
Note: If you select Invoicing, you cannot change an incorrect rebate setup because it is 'locked in' for initial reporting at invoicing.Rebates are not calculated for warranty exchanges.
- Event Manager Trigger: Calculate OE Header Margin Based On
This option determines if the Event Manager header-level margin calculations are exclusively based on ordered totals or if margin and margin percent totals are calculated on order-specific factors as Sales Order Entry does when monitoring margin updates in Event Manager. For example, the margin calculations are based on the order's shipped totals if the total quantity shipped is greater than zero. If none of the lines on a Stock Order (SO) can be shipped, the margin calculations are applied to ordered totals.
If the margin calculations are based on the full ordered amount, back orders and special orders are not factored into the equation. The line-level margin calculations use to determine the use of shipped or ordered line totals. This option does not affect historical or existing event records.
In the Event Manager, these header-level triggers calculate margin and margin percent based on this option:
- oeepi-excptns
- oeet-hdrchange
- oerf-promisepd
- oeetcancel
- oepicktickets
- Recalc Rebate Through
Use this option to set the rebate freeze stage for rebate recalculation.
Vendor rebates can be frozen at the Entered, Ordered, or Invoiced stage. This option prevents from recalculating rebates during invoice processing when you only want them calculated during entry, for example. If rebates are decreasing or being discontinued, you should calculate them during entry and then freeze them. If rebates are increasing, you should recalculate the rebate amount during invoice processing.
This setting does not affect vendor rebates that apply to rebill, or debit, lines on credit and rebill transactions in Sales Order Entry. Those vendor rebates are always calculated at entry.
- Roll Rebated Price on Pre-Built Kits
Select this option to include rebates for components in the price that is calculated when you sell a pre-built kit or perform a price inquiry on a pre-built kit. To apply this pricing logic, these conditions must be met:
- The price record for the pre-built kit is for a specific customer or ship to.
- The price record for the pre-built kit is based on Rebated Margin or Rebated Cost.
- The rebates for the components are Vendor on Sale rebates.
The pricing logic is applied in functions, such as Sales Order Entry and Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry. The pricing logic is also applied during EDI, BOD, and API processes.
- To Calculate Margin % Divide by
You can calculate the margin percent based on either the line net amount or cost amount. The margin is divided by one of these amounts to yield the Margin %. If you select Cost, your margins look more like markup figures. If you select Net, your margins look more like profit margins.
Your selection is applied to each order entered and changed during Sales Order Entry.
- Back Order Counter Sales
Select this option if you want unavailable product for a Counter Sale (CS) order to be back ordered by default. The Back Order option in the Extended view and Allow Back Order for the Document Disposition setting in the Sourcing view is selected but can be cleared.
The title of this option may change depending on the order type display you have specified in SA Table Code Value Setup. Use the Order Type Display option to specify the text you want to display for Counter Sale (CS) and Stock Order (SO) order types. The text you specify replaces Counter Sale and Stock Order in all instances in the application.
- Calculate COD Addon in Standard Shipping
Select this option to activate COD Addon calculations in Distribution SX.e. The COD addon amount is calculated and stored in the OEEH table. It displays in the COD Addon Amount field in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry-Shipping Details-Header. You can also view the COD addon amount in the Add COD field in Sales Order Inquiry-Totals.
- Combined Shipment
If your company uses combined shipments, specify a combined shipment ship via type. Combine shipments is also known as shipping with other goods. This field affects the trigger for shipping notifications in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.
Specifying a ship via type inactivates the trigger for generating email shipping notifications for shipped orders for this company. Shipping notifications for combined shipments are triggered by order invoicing only and can be generated on-demand through Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.
Leave this field blank if your company does not use combined shipments. Shipping notifications are triggered by order shipping and order invoicing and can be generated on-demand in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.
- Conversion Days for Changing Future and Blanket Orders
Conversion days are used with Future Orders (FO), Standing Orders (ST), and Blanket Orders (BL). They are considered as safety days to recover if the lead time happens to run longer than anticipated. The default is 14 days. This cushion helps guarantee stock is available to fill the FO, ST, or BL. For example:
Requested Ship Date minus Longest Lead Time minus Extra Conversion Days = Conversion Date
That is:
9/25/14 - 10 days - 14 days = 9/1/14
FOs are converted to Stock Orders (SO) by the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report if the Cancel/Convert Orders option is Yes, or by Sales Entry Processing Cancel/Convert Orders Report. Blanket Releases (BR) are not converted to SO but are moved from Stage 0 (Entered) to Stage 1 (Ordered) and are treated like an SO. The End of Day Cutoff, Saturday Shipments, and Sunday Shipments settings in Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup are not considered during conversion. Only one operator should be given the responsibility of converting orders. BLs are initially created in Sales Order Entry and released through the Blanket Release option.
- Downpayment Write-Off Amount
When you run Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, the amount you specify here determines if the amount due on the order qualifies as a write-off. Rounding problems may occur when the total amount is paid on an order that has a back order attached. If the amount due is less than zero, the order is processed instead of creating an exception. This is because the down payment is greater than the total invoice amount.
For example, suppose an order is created for $279.42. A 1% tax is calculated to be $2.7942. A back order is created for half of the amount, or $139.71. The 1% tax is $1.3971 or $1.40. This adds up to $2.80. The customer still owes $.01 on the back order. Rather than creating an exception when the order is processed, the $.01 to the AR Write Off account is written off . The AR Write Off account is defined in the General Ledger section of SA Operator Setup-Other Options.
- Use Invoice Verification
Select this option to enable sales order invoice verification, which allows you to flag a sales order as requiring operator review before an invoice is created and sent to a customer. When this option is selected, a Require Invoice Verification field can be set on these pages:
- Sales Order Entry-Initiate
- Sales Order Entry-Maintain
- Sales Shipping Feedback Entry-Shipping Details-Header
Invoice processing is prevented for any sales order where the Require Invoice Verification field is set to Yes. A Yes value indicates that an operator must review the invoice and change the field to No before the sales order can be invoiced.
Note: The Require Invoice Verification setting cannot be updated by any external BODs or API programs that create or modify sales orders.
Supplier Access
- Host Name
Specify the name of the host server where the application was installed.
- Keep Records
Indicate if the records within the Supplier Access tables should be removed as soon as the request is complete. There are limited timing marks, such as beginning request and ending request, that are available in these tables that could be used for vendor statistics.
- Port Number
Specify the port number of the application.
- Seconds to Pause
Indicate the number of seconds you want Sales Order Entry to wait for a response when Supplier Access is launched. This field works with the Time to Pause field. Sales Order Entry waits for the response by looping X number of times for X number of seconds.
- Time to Pause
Indicate the number of times to loop when Product Import is launched. The value you enter in this field affects how long users must wait for the response. Each time the system loops, it checks to see if the response from Product Import is complete. If the response is complete, looping is stopped.
Bulk Delivery
- Allow BD Returns to Update TWL
- Select this checkbox to allow the bulk delivery return orders to update the
TWL inventory. The process of inventory update for the RM orders is as follows:
- The OE Entry Processing Invoice Processing (OEEPI) report creates an invoice and sets the TWL update type on the Bulk Delivery Transaction (BDET) record to indicate that the inventory must be incremented.
- The BD Entry TWL Update (BDEPT) report creates a transaction record and updates the TWL inventory.
- Allow BD Tank ID Maintenance in OE
Select this checkbox to enable the EDI 850 processing for bulk delivery orders. When a customer places a bulk delivery order with a vendor, the vendor sends an EDI 850 document to the distributor in the form of Process.SalesOrder BOD. The EDI 850 processes a bulk delivery order as follows:
- Creates a bulk delivery sales order.
- Finds a matching BD Tank Master Setup (BDST) record.
- Assigns a Tank ID to each order line.
- Creates a BDET record for each order line.
The EDI 850 processing sets the status of a sales order for bulk delivery to on hold, with an error, when these conditions are met:- An active BDST record is not available for the specified combination of customer, shipto, and product.
- Multiple BDST records are available for the specified combination of customer, shipto, and product.
- The sales order contains both the bulk and non-bulk orders.
You can view the errors or exceptions on the Electronic Transaction Control Center (ETCC) screen. You can perform these actions to resolve the issues:- Resolve the errors and resubmit the BOD, or
- Coordinate with the EDI partner for resubmission.
- Bulk Delivery Active
Select this option to activate the Bulk Delivery module in Distribution SX.e. This enables the display of the Bulk Delivery module in the main menu, and allows full setup and implementation of Bulk Delivery records and processes.
- Default Customer PO
The value specified in this field is used to populate the Customer PO field on orders created by BD Demand Center Entry if the Customer Ship To Setup Require Purchase Order # option is selected and there is no default value in the Customer Ship To Setup Customer PO Default field.
- Delivery Route Default
- Specify the default route for bulk delivery transactions. This
default value is displayed in the Route field
in BD Load Center Entry-Details. These values are available:
- Customer/Ship To: The route set up in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup is used as default route.
- Tank: The route set up in BD Tank Master Setup is used as default route.
Use this setting to differentiate between the route used for packaged goods and the route used for bulk deliveries. For packaged goods, the route specified in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup is used as the default route when you select Customer/Ship To as the option. For bulk deliveries, the route specified in BD Tank Master Setup is used as the default route when you select Tank.
- OE Tank Validation Level
- Select an option to enable validation of the Tank ID against the specified
combination of customer and product. When you specify a Tank ID on the Sales
Order Entry - Advanced Line Entry screen, the Tank ID is validated against
the BD Tank Master Setup (BDST) record based on the selected
option. Possible values:
- Allowed: No message is displayed, even if the Tank ID does not match the product on the order line and the corresponding BDST record. You can proceed with order processing.
- Allow With Warning: A warning message is displayed if the Tank ID does not match the product on the order line and the corresponding BDST record. You can modify the Tank ID or continue processing the order.
- Error: An error message is displayed if the Tank ID does not match the product on the order line and the corresponding BDST record. You cannot process the order until the error is resolved.
- TWL RF Employee ID
Specify a valid TWL Employee ID. This ID is used during BD Entry TWL Update Report to update the Employee Number on transactions created in TWL for bulk delivery orders that are invoiced.
If this is blank or an invalid ID, the ‘sys’ operator is assigned. If there is no default ‘sys’ operator, an error is printed on the BD Entry TWL Update Report output.
Credit Limit Processing
- Credit Limit Tolerance Percentage
- Specify the credit limit tolerance percentage to increase customer’s credit
limit. This value determines how much a customer’s order can exceed their credit
For example, if the credit limit is $100, then with 10 percent credit limit tolerance, the new credit limit is $110.
Note: This setting bypasses standard logic for credit hold limits.When you place a new order, the credit limit is calculated based on Order Amount + Total Balance + On Order. If the credit limit exceeds the credit limit tolerance, then the order is placed on credit limit hold. If the credit limit is under the credit limit tolerance, then the order is approved.
The default value is zero, which indicates that this functionality is not enabled. Use this setting to reduce the number of orders that go on hold and the time required to review and release the orders.
This setting is overridden by the warehouse-level value that you can specify in Product Warehouse Description Setup.
- Max Order Amount
- Specify the maximum amount of the sales order that a customer can place
before the credit limit is checked. If the order amount is less than or equal to the
maximum order amount, then the order passes the credit limit check. If the order amount
exceeds the maximum order amount, then the order goes through the credit limit check and
can be placed on hold.
The default value is zero, which indicates that this functionality is not enabled. You can specify a higher maximum order amount to reduce the number of orders that go on hold and the time required to review and release the orders.
This setting is overridden by the warehouse-level value that you can specify in Product Warehouse Description Setup.
Note: This setting bypasses standard logic for credit hold limits.