Comparing metadata differences after an upgrade

In CloudSuite Distribution, the master record files must be exported from the new version of Distribution SX.e in your test environment before you can perform this task.

  1. In CloudSuite Distribution, sign in to your Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le live environment.
    In on-premises Distribution SX.e, sign in to your live environment that is not upgraded.
  2. Select System Administrator > Reports > SA Reports > System Administrator - Metadata Diff.
  3. Select New > One Time.
  4. Verify the report and printing information, and then click Next.
  5. Specify this information:
    Location of metadata files
    Specify the location of the baseline, or master record, files.
    (E)xport of (D)iff
    Specify d.
    Email Address to Send Diff Report To
    Specify your email address.
  6. Optionally, change the background and foreground colors. Specify standard HTML colors.
  7. Click Next, and then click Save.
  8. Open the email attachment to review the differences.